Congress spends money on the wrong things. In 2022, we need to do more—with your help, we can flip the script to put people before the Pentagon.


Dear John,

An uncontrolled pandemic. Severe climate events. A looming child poverty crisis. Astronomical student debt. 

We are here because Congress spends money on the wrong things.

Congress just passed a $778 billion military budget with huge bipartisan margins. Yet we are continually told that we can’t afford things like clean energy, universal healthcare, student debt relief, or an end to child poverty.

Will you contribute $7 today to help us fight these lies?

Donate $7

The U.S. military budget is larger than the next 11 countries combined. It is larger than at the peak of the Vietnam War or the Cold War, despite the fact that the U.S. has just ended a twenty-year war on Afghanistan. And over the past 10 years, more than half of it has gone to line the pockets of private contractors. And Congress just voted to give the Pentagon $25 billion more than it asked for.

Our futures depend on stopping this madness. And we are getting the word out. Here are three places we brought our message recently:

In 2022, we need to do more. We need to spread the word.

The stakes are higher than ever. Will you give $7 today to help us get the word out?

Donate $7

With your help, we can flip the script to put people before the Pentagon.

In solidarity,
Lindsay, Ashik, and Lorah

P.S. NPP runs on readers like you.
Chip in $7 today to support our work!

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National Priorities Project
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
[email protected] |
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.
