Ceres is not the only organization in your inbox right now — trust me, I know.
But I also know that the Ceres approach, leveraging the private sector to build a just and more sustainable world, is both unique and necessary at this moment in history.
We’ve advocated for climate-smart policies within the Biden administration, in state houses across the country and at the highest levels of international governance.
And while we’ve helped win important reforms and policies, we know it’s not enough—and that’s why we work with the biggest companies, investors, and regulators across entire sectors, making the business case for sustainability and yielding real solutions, at scale, that make an immediate impact for our planet!
This is the decade in which we must choose—and work toward—our future. And that’s why I’m asking you to do one last incredible thing in 2021 and double your impact for climate solutions.
Please: Make your 100% tax-deductible gift by midnight’s deadline →
And thank you for your time-sensitive action.
— Brian

Brian Sant
Senior Director, Digital Communications and Marketing
Ceres | |