Dear John,
On behalf of us all at Precious Life, I wish you a very happy and blessed New Year. And thank you for all your support throughout 2021

We look forward to 2022 as we celebrate our 25th Year with renewed hope and determination to protect unborn babies and their mothers in Northern Ireland.

I formed Precious Life back in 1997 when I saw a picture of a baby killed by abortion. My heart broke to see the horrific reality of what abortion does to an innocent little child. But I asked God to use me in whatever way He wanted to help protect the least of His little ones. Within a week of seeing that picture, I gathered together a group of family and friends from my Prayer Group, and in our local town centre, we set up a wobbly wooden pasting table with photocopied pro-life leaflets. As people passed by, we called out, "please sign our petition against abortion." We received a tremendous response from the public that day, At home that evening I made a promise to God that I would never stop being a voice for the unborn child, and always stand up and speak out when and wherever their lives were in danger of abortion.

Precious Life went from strength to strength to become Northern Ireland's leading and most active pro-life group. Over those years since 1997, Precious Life has fought many battles - legal, political, and spiritual - and we have changed thousands of hearts and minds on abortion, and most importantly - saved countless numbers of babies and their mothers from abortion.

Now in 2022 - our 25th Year - we will continue to be the voice of the unborn child in Northern Ireland ...lobbying politicians in government ...challenging abortion through the courts  ...informing the public on the streets.

If you can, please consider making a special New Year gift to Precious Life. Every pound you donate means we can reach more people with the truth about abortion in 2022. Plans for our 25th year include:
  • Step up our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign
  • Step up our Street Outreach in the towns and cities across Northern Ireland
  • Advance our Outreach to women outside abortion centres
  • Launch legal and political campaigns to uphold our rights to take the pro-life message onto the streets and outside the abortion centres
  • Launch our 'Vote Pro-Life Campaign' for the Assembly Election in May -  encouraging the people of Northern Ireland to vote only for pro-life candidates who will uphold the right to life of every unborn child.
  • Design and print new materials - eye-catching information leaflets, signs & banners
  • Step up our life-saving Stanton Project
  • Major "Rallies for Life" in July and October
Together we can change more hearts and minds and save more babies from the horror of abortion in 2022.

You can click here to make a donation, or tap the DONATE button below.

I look forward to your continued support as we continue protecting mothers and babies in 2022

God bless,

Bernadette Smyth
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