Here's this week's Shout Out Patriots Show: The shocking headlines of 2021 that made us question our sanity

2021 witnessed some of the craziest, strangest, mind-boggling headlines that would make even the late Robert Ripley to questioned their authenticity.

From Bugs Are Racist Too to San Francisco Will Pay Criminals $300 Not to Shoot People, an endless stream of daffy headlines graced our nation's newspapers that left us either laughing, gagging or crying over their lunacy.

Do you remember these 'Believe It or Not' headline banners from this past year?

Kentucky School Principal Gets a Lap Dance.

Wisconsin University Pays $50k to Remove an Offensive Boulder.

Students Asked to Write a Sex Scene They Wouldn’t Show Their Mother.

These were just a few of the 2021 screamers that made us question America’s sanity.

During this episode of Shout Out Patriots we put 21 of this year’s creepiest headlines into a Santa hat and draw them out one at a time for discussion, derision and overall mocking.

We didn’t get through them all, but we had a lot of fun with those we did, such as Salvation Army Demands White Donors Apologize for Being Racists, Moccasin Maker Begs for Forgiveness, and plenty more that will make you ask, ‘What country do I live in?’

Please take a listen (or watch the video) and join our fun. Do you have a comment of your own on any of these zany headlines? Email [email protected] and I’ll try to get it on an upcoming podcast.

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Martin Mawyer, President


Here's some stories you may have missed on our website:

TikTok’s brainwashing video that makes trans surgery ‘cool’ viewed 26 billion times

Muslim brothers murder their sister over her Western way of life

Teacher mocks parents as ‘kooks’ and ‘bigots’ at Texas school board meeting

Sheriff tells atheist group he will not remove Bible verse from department wall

Painting depicting George Floyd as Christ is stolen for a second time at Catholic University

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