Our deadline looms, but the weight has fallen on too few of our dedicated readers so far.
Since our inception, the only thing that has kept Common Dreams alive is people like you.
A few times a year, those who believe in our people-powered news model kick in small donations to help fund our newsroom—which is necessary, because we have no ads, no corporate sponsors, no gimmicks.
Here's the only problem: If our readers don't come through, we will go dark—it's just that simple.
Right now, with just over 24 hours left in our crucial End-Of-Year Campaign, we are still $24,000 short of our critical goal. So far, the weight has fallen on too few of our dedicated readers.
We can't do it without you.
In solidarity and on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team,
Kimberly Monaghan Board Chair for the Common Dreams team
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-3368194
Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to: Common Dreams
PO Box 443
Portland, ME 04112
United States