Please turn images on to see our top 10 highlights.

Dear John -- It's time once again for the PCCC's Top 10 highlights of the year! Even in these tough times, we accomplished much together. Thank you for being a bold progressive.

Turn on images to see Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock rally a crowd in Georgia to get out the vote!

1. $700,000 raised for Georgia VICTORY – and a Democratic Senate! (In 2022, we'll keep pushing to use that power.)

With history on the line, PCCC members donated $700,000 through 42,000 donations to now-Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

This funding also went to groups doing deep organizing in the Black, Latino, Asian American, Youth, and Native American communities like the New Georgia Project, Georgia NAACP, Mijente, Asian American Advocacy Fund, Black Voters Matter, BlackPAC, Poder Latinx, GALEO, Georgia Shift, Rise, Southerners on New Ground, Alliance for Youth, We Stand United (Native American vote), Athens-Clarke County organizers, and Stacey Abram’s Fair Fight.

Now, we work daily to stop Joe Manchin from obstructing our Democratic majority.

Turn on images to see our incredible P Street team.

Emma Lydon and Kia Hamadanchy joined our lobbying team -- P Street!

2. P Street – the best progressive lobbying shop on Capitol Hill.

Our P Street lobbying shop is the progressive alternative to K Street. We’ve built unique relationships across progressive offices, Democratic leadership, the White House, and other key players.

This year, P Street organized in the halls of power. National and state partners have told us that our solid intel about the state of play on everything from democracy to Build Back Better to cancelling student debt helped guide and enhance their activism. P Street is a force multiplier, ensuring that limited time and money across the progressive movement gets utilized effectively.

This year, we were proud to welcome Emma Lydon as Managing Director of Government Relations after her years of service as Communications Director and Senior Advisor to Rep. Pramila Jayapal and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. We also welcomed Kia Hamadanchy as a Senior Associate after years of service with Senators Sherrod Brown and Tom Harkin -- and the Progressive Caucus Center.

(Most lobbying firms are funded by big corporations. P Street is the people’s lobbyist – you can donate here to keep expanding this work in 2022.)

3. "Personnel is policy." We led efforts to get great progressives into the Biden Administration.

The Progressive Change Institute, PCCC's sister organization, built a giant personnel database and led a coalition of 50 progressive groups in a year-long effort to provide the Biden Administration with 700 credentialed progressives they could appoint to the administration. Many were! The New York Times, the Associated Press, ABC News, and others covered our efforts.

Especially with Congress stalled, it’s all the more important that these progressives were appointed -- and are using their power:

  • Lina Khan is Chair of the Federal Trade Commission, fighting big monopolies. Axios reports on her tenure, “The degree and speed of change are more pronounced and dramatic than anything we’ve seen in recent decades.”
  • Rohit Chopra is Director of the CFPB, holding big banks and big tech accountable.
  • Deb Haaland is Interior Secretary, protecting our climate and restoring the trust of many peoples in our public lands.
  • Jonathan Kanter is Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the Justice Department.
  • Former Elizabeth Warren aides Bharat Ramamurti and Leandra English – plus Tim Wu – are on the National Economic Council pushing economic populist policies.
  • Gigi Sohn, a top Net Neutrality advocate, is nominated to Federal Communications Commission.
  • More Warren aides are in key positions – Julie Siegel is Deputy Chief of Staff at Treasury, Maggie Thomas is Chief of Staff for the Domestic Climate Policy Office, Sasha Baker is Senior Director for Strategic Planning at the National Security Council, and former CFPB Director Richard Cordray is Chief Operating Officer of Federal Student Aid at the Education Department.
  • And the list goes on and on...

You can make a tax-deductible gift to the Progressive Change Institute here, to continue this effective work.

4. Comedy! We worked with comedians on serious issues.

We worked with Arrested Development’s David Cross to educate the public about the need for a billionaire’s tax, which still may be included in the final Build Back Better bill. Check it out here:

Please turn images on to see our tweet.

And we worked with folks from the Daily Show, Community, Orange Is The New Black, and others on a Georgia Senate newscast. Check it out here:

Please turn images on to see Lewis Black's tweet.

Turn on images to our EXPEL banners.Our EXPEL billboards.

5. ACCOUNTABILITY after January 6.

PCCC members teamed up with activist reporter Judd Legum to successfully call on many corporations to stop donating to any member of Congress who voted with insurrectionists to overturn the election.

PCCC members also chipped in to run billboards in the home states of traitors Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Marjorie Taylor Green. Local newspapers reported on this accountability.

Now, we’re ready to amplify the work of Congressman Jamie Raskin and others as they reveal the real story of what happened on January 6. Stay tuned in the new year...

Donate to Jamie Raskin here, so he can focus on investigating January 6 instead of fundraising.

6. Electing Dem Secretaries of State to protect democracy.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was one of the first to report that Donald Trump is handpicking Republicans to run for Secretary of State in key states, so they can corrupt the election machinery.

PCCC members were the first national activists to donate this year to the previously-unknown Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which is fighting to elect people who will run elections fairly.

Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan are among top targets.

Jena Griswold, Colorado’s Secretary of State and Chair of the group says: “PCCC members are indispensable to our work to elect Democratic Secretaries of State. The attacks right now are no longer about 2020. They’re about 2022 and 2024. It’s about chipping away at confidence and chipping away at the reality of safe and secure elections. That’s why we need to win, with your help."

Our ally Kim Rogers (an ace political operative) is running this important political operation as Executive Director, and we are proud to support this work.

7. VICTORY! 72 winners in 2021!

Despite the national media narrative about the Virginia and New Jersey governor’s races, progressives built power at the local level this year.

72 PCCC Progressive Champions won their races -- from Mayor to School Board to Port Authority across 17 states. This includes the battleground states of Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, and North Carolina.

Many of these candidates attended our PCCC Candidate Training, used our PCCC campaign technology, and were proud to promote our endorsement as a signal to local progressive voters. Most candidates were women or people of color, and dozens were union members.

Chip in here to support our 2022 electoral work as we support hundreds more progressive candidates running for state and local office! (Running for office? Tell us here.)

8. Adapting our candidate support for the COVID world.

With COVID precluding our typical in-person trainings, we launched a free monthly webinar series to train and empower progressive candidates running or considering running for office.

It’s a BIG hit! We filled 487 slots with candidates learning how to build their message, manage call time, plan effective campaign events, manage social media, build press relationships, recruit volunteers, hire great campaign staff, and more.

Former Michigan State Representative Kristy Pagan trained on how to fundraise. Former Elizabeth Warren Research Director Vriti Jain trained on how to prepare for debates.

Many of these candidates also get access to our one-of-a-kind PIES campaign software, which saves candidates tons of money while instilling best practices. If you’re a candidate, click here to sign up for future training webinars and here to apply for our other resources.

9. Saving the House Majority & Building Progressive Power!

We’re working hard to defend endangered progressives in the House – like Katie Porter (CA), Andy Kim (NJ), Mike Levin (CA), Marie Newman (IL), Andy Levin (MI), and Angie Craig (MN).

We’ve also endorsed 6 House candidates running in important winnable districts: Attica Scott (KY-3), Erica Smith (NC-2), Summer Lee (PA-18), Tom Winter (MT-1), Brittany Ramos DeBarros (NY-11), and Jessica Cisneros (TX-28).

Donate to each of these House candidates here.

This year, PCCC members also stood by the Congressional Progressive Caucus as they held the line, exerted leverage smartly, and positioned Build Back Better as bigger and more likely to pass. We are confident this agenda will pass in 2022 and history will reflect that progressives helped millions of people by using power. Support CPC Chair Pramila Jayapal and other CPC leaders here.

Turn on images to see Lucas Kunce on MSNBC

Lucas Kunce, one of our bold progressive Senate candidates, on MSNBC.

Turn on images to see Mandela Barnes at a PCCC training.

Mandela Barnes, another incredible bold progressive Senate candidate, at a PCCC training.

10. Bold Senate candidates who can eliminate Joe Manchin’s veto.

We endorsed several bold progressive Senate candidates who can expand the Democratic majority – and end Joe Manchin’s veto.

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (WI) - Elizabeth Warren writes, “A new poll showed my friend Mandela Barnes tied 43-43 with Ron Johnson. We can win this.” She calls this “one of our best chances to expand our Senate majority.” Mandela attended our PCCC candidate training before winning statewide in 2018, and he’s a longtime progressive movement ally.

Lucas Kunce (MO) – HuffPost reported "Marine Veteran Launches Missouri Senate Bid After Roy Blunt Retirement' and called Lucas Kunce "a crusader against corporate consolidation." He has led all Democratic and Republican candidates in fundraising and has become a fixture on MSNBC, using his veteran cred to point out that Joe Manchin supported trillions in military build up abroad while obstructing child care, lower-price prescriptions, and keeping millions of kids out of poverty here at home. We’re helping this frontrunner flip a Senate seat in a red state!

Morgan Harper (OH) - Her campaign launch got covered everywhere from the New York Times to Cleveland Plain Dealer. Morgan’s bold platform is consistent with her record at the CFPB of fighting corporations that ripped off consumers and her work with Lucas Kunce to fight monopolies. This is an open seat after a Republican retirement. Morgan is uniquely able to win the general election in a state that has trended red by bringing together Black voters, women, young voters, and independents.

Charles Booker (KY) - He nearly defeated the establishment pick for Senate in 2020 due to tremendous grassroots support. Now, he’s the frontrunner to face Senator Rand Paul. Elizabeth Warren says, "This is a man who has lived the struggles other politicians just talk about. He grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky. He experienced the pain of poverty firsthand, and saw his mom skip meals just so he could have enough. He’s been homeless, and had to ration his insulin because he couldn’t afford the medication he needed as a Type 1 diabetic. Now, he’s running to lift up working families in Kentucky and beyond."

Donate to each of these Senate candidates here.

Despite the world being a crazy place right now, we are making a difference together. Thank you for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (Stephanie Taylor, Adam Green, Ethan Jucovy, Jackie Arasi, Keith Rouda, Manju Bangalore, Rachel Queirolo, Amanda Pitts, Caitlin Lang, Cliff Alburger, Molly Beckhardt, Chris Dunn, Emma Lydon, Kia Hamadanchy, and Patrick Dillon)




Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.