Annette believes in us, and we need every grassroots Democrat to be on her side.

We know the truth, John:

Ron DeSantis has been the mastermind of so many failed policies in Florida. 

From mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic, to peddling baseless claims of voter fraud just to appease Trump, we’re sick and tired of watching Ron DeSantis choose politics over the needs of all Floridians. 

Yet Republican donors are rewarding Ron DeSantis for his despicable actions. 

Just last month, they helped him raking in over $4,500,000 for his campaign. 

Annette knows she’s is in the fight of her life to replace Ron DeSantis– and she needs all of us with her:

Annette Taddeo: I need you to get in this fight with me

Annette believes in us, John, and we need every grassroots Democrat to be on her side. In just 2 weeks, Annette will have to pause her campaign to fight for us while the State Legislature is in session -- and we can't afford to fall behind. Will you rush in $15 before the End of Year Deadline to help Annette defeat Ron DeSantis right away? >>


Chip in $15 to help Annette stay ahead of the Democratic field >>

If Ron DeSantis’ millionaire donors had their way, we’d get 4 more years of broken promises and failed leadership in the Governor’s Mansion. 

We know Annette is the ONLY one who can bring an end to Ron DeSantis’ reign, and we need to stand with her in this fight, every step of the way.

She’s calling on 100 more grassroots Democrats to step up and help Annette stay ahead of the Democratic field.

Will you chip in $15 and be one of the supporters to help Annette hit her goal?

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250


Team Taddeo

Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

Email is the best way to stay up-to-date with Annette's campaign.

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1742 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33135
[email protected]


Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

Contributions or gifts to Annette Taddeo for Governor are not tax deductible.