We’re down to the wire
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I’m just going to give it to you straight, Fellow Conservative. 

We’re ONE DAY away from our MOST IMPORTANT DEADLINE. Step up here >>

I’ve always been able to count on you, Fellow Conservative, and I need you now more than ever. 

Stacey Abrams has come back with VENGEANCE and an ARMY of dark money donors.

She has MILLIONS to lie and cheat her way to the Governor’s mansion. If we don’t reach this MAJOR deadline Stacey WILL be the Governor of Georgia. And she will use this race as a springboard to the White House.

President Trump gave me his complete and total endorsement because he knows I’m the only candidate who can SAVE GEORGIA from Stacey Abrams. But we can’t do that if we don’t reach our MAJOR end of year deadline. 


DAILY GOAL: $50,0000
LEFT TO RAISE: $25,082

Georgia will be GROUND ZERO in 2022. It’s going to be the MOST COMPETITIVE race in the entire nation. 

Dark money donors are lining Stacey Abrams’ pockets to spread lies and attack me. 

Fellow Conservative, we can’t start 2022 on the WRONG FOOT. 

Please, we’re begging, Fellow Conservative. Step up and make a donation before it’s too late and help us reach our major end of year deadline.


David Perdue

Paid for by Perdue for Governor, Inc.

Perdue for Governor, Inc.
P.O. Box 12077
Atlanta, GA 30355 


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