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Our End-of-Year deadline is only 1 day away, and we’re falling short of our crucial year-end fundraising goal. 

Will you rush an emergency donation to help us close the gap?

🚨 Rush a $5 Emergency Contribution
🚨 Rush a $10 Emergency Contribution
🚨 Rush a $25 Emergency Contribution
🚨 Rush a $50 Emergency Contribution
🚨 Rush a $100 Emergency Contribution

John, the stakes have never been higher. Biden and the Democrats in Washington have unleashed the most radical far-left agenda we’ve ever seen. And if we let them stay in power for another two years, the freedoms we cherish as Americans will continue to erode. 

That’s why this is perhaps the most important deadline we’ve ever faced. Because we MUST head into 2022 with the critical resources we need to win this election.

So don’t wait one more minute. 
Rush your emergency year-end contribution right now.

Thank you in advance for your support, 

Finance Team @ IN GOP

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