but you can STOP it in 32 SECONDS.
Taxpayer, we need your help to block payout #I01CX001526-01A2 by MIDNIGHT TOMORROW or else the St. Louis VA may reauthorize it to drain puppies’ blood and harvest their hearts. But we understand if you would rather unsubscribe.
What can you do in less than 32 min?
Here’s what the St. Louis VA white coats WILL do in 32 min IF PAYOUT #I01CX001526-01A2 RENEWS TOMORROW NIGHT: drain 32 puppies’ blood, cut out their hearts, and watch them die from literally being drained of life.
Puppies belong in homes that fill them with life, not government labs that drain them of it!
Taxpayer, please, please, PLEASE… RUSH AN EMERGENCY DONATION in the next 32 SECONDS to stop the St. Louis VA from slaughtering 32 more puppies in its blood-draining lab!
A generous supporter will double your donation: RUSH EMERGENCY HELP TO SAVE THE STL 32!
Thank you,
Kat Mattsson
Digital Marketing Assistant
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, if we don’t fully fund our Rapid Response Fund by tomorrow to block payout #I01CX001526-01A2, 32 more puppies will die HORRIBLY at the St. Louis VA. It only takes 32 seconds!

Taxpayer, the St. Louis Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA), is a canine kennel of horrors. It’s where 32 puppies go to DIE.
It’s called “exsanguination.” Translation: extreme blood loss.
After draining 6-month-old puppies dry, VA white coats RIP THEIR HEARTS OUT! And unless you take immediate action, the VA may reapprove for ANOTHER ROUND of funding to harvest 32 small hearts… in just a FEW DAYS!
12/31 Deadline: Save the STL 32!
Taxpayer, I felt the blood drain from my own face when I first read this:

Taxpayer, WCW investigators just uncovered unmistakable evidence of the VA puppy abuse payout— and it’s a HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE.
Taxpayer, if payout #I01CX001526-01A2 is rammed through on New Year’s Eve, here’s what will happen to the STL 32:
- ORGAN HARVESTING: VA white coats inject “inflammatory agents” into a 6-month-old puppy, chemically induce cardiac arrest, cut open her chest, and rip out her tiny heart.
- AWFUL: she’s still ALIVE and breathing. Her heart is literally beating up until the moment bureaucrats cut it out!
- YOUR BILL: $681,857 in taxes… and 32 precious lives.
RAPID RESPONSE DEADLINE: follow this secure link to save the STL 32! Rush your most generous gift before the VA’s heart harvesting deadline, and it will be DOUBLED!

Taxpayer, taxpayers like you have already wasted nearly $700,000 for the VA’s heartless abuse.
But these greedy white coats won’t be satisfied until they get what they want: even MORE of your cash and 32 MORE bloody hearts!
That’s why a BIG-HEARTED supporter of WCW just set up a rapid response fund to DOUBLE every dollar you send to block the payout and save the STL 32!
The most effective way to end wasteful and deadly government experiments is to stop the funding before its renewed.
WCW’s strategy is simple: when the money stops, the killing stops!
But Taxpayer, this is our best — and LAST chance — to do it. Will you join me in taking advantage of the generous matching grant opportunity to save the STL 32?
P.S. Taxpayer, HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: WCW recently exposed how the St. Louis VA has been secretly buying 32 hound puppies and harvesting their live, beating hearts. Now they might do it again on New Year’s Eve! That’s why a generous WCW donor will MATCH any gift you send to help us raise $150,000 and save the STL 32! Here’s your secure link! — Julie