Let me be completely clear: I am openly and unequivocally calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired. The damage this quack has done to our economy and our freedoms is already immeasurable and it cannot go on any longer.
In his latest display of ignominy, Fauci suggested the government consider vaccine mandates for ALL domestic air travel. This is coming while he still refuses to make therapeutics, like Monoclonal Antibodies, readily available for all who wish to use them.
This medical tyranny borders on authoritarianism, and our economy can not endure another crippling blow, the likes of which these unconstitutional vaccine mandates would provide. Enough is enough. Fauci needs to resign in disgrace or be FIRED IMMEDIATELY.
Friend, I am calling for the immediate firing of Dr. Fauci. I need all patriotic Americans who are against this medical tyranny to join me.
Fauci and his corrupt media allies are hellbent on taking YOUR liberties away. When I am your Senator, I will make sure these charlatans never have a say over your personal medical decisions again.
Friend, now more than ever, it is important we stand up and FIGHT BACK for medical freedom in America, it is our constitutional right. I need to know that patriots like YOU have my back in this critical fight.