As the Finance Director, Annette is counting on me to activate our incredible grassroots network to succeed.

I’ll get right to the point, John:

I’m Ari, Annette’s Finance Director. I need your $15 and your help to hit Annette’s critical End of Year goal. Will you step it up before the deadline in 24 hours? >>

As the Finance Director, Annette is counting on me to activate our incredible grassroots network to succeed.

And while I know Annette has what it takes to defeat Ron DeSantis, we have to make sure every last Floridian knows so, too.

Your support, and honestly, your $5, is what helps this campaign:

– Fund our ground game efforts, so we can start talking to voters, 
– Develop ads to show Florida voters Annette’s story, 
– And so much more. 

Frankly, Annette truly can’t do this without you. And that’s why I’m coming to you with my very first ask on her behalf. 

I’m calling on 150 grassroots Democrats to chip in before the deadline to help us show every Floridian what an incredible person and candidate Annette is. 

Will you be one of the gifts Annette needs to put her over the top?

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250



Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

Email is the best way to stay up-to-date with Annette's campaign.

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1742 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33135
[email protected]


Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

Contributions or gifts to Annette Taddeo for Governor are not tax deductible.