From Sharon Nazarian, ADL SVP of International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject How Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism Are Affecting Jewish Communities Worldwide
Date December 30, 2021 6:22 PM
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December 2021

International Partners Speak About Surge in Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism

ADL&rsquo;s International Affairs Committee hosted a
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webinar on &ldquo;Anti-Zionism&rsquo;s Global Reach&rdquo; with four ADL international partners who are deeply immersed in the issues of anti-Zionism and antisemitism: Tahera Ameer of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation in Germany, Sofia Cohen of the Jewish Interactive Museum in Chile, Wendy Kahn of South African Jewish Board of Deputies and Richard Marceau of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs in Canada. The conversation was moderated by Sharon Nazarian.

Each panelist spoke about the anti-Zionist and antisemitic trends they are seeing in their country and region of the world, shared several disturbing examples of the challenges confronting the Jewish and pro-Israel community, and talked about what life is like for their local Jewish community, especially those who are in pro-Israel spaces.

ADL CEO Appeals for Upholding the Kotel Compromise

In an opinion piece published in Hebrew in
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Ynet and English in
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Haaretz , ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt responded to reports that the Israeli government was considering suspending the so-called Kotel Compromise, which provides space for egalitarian non-Orthodox prayer, at the Western Wall. Jonathan wrote: "I strongly urge Prime Minister Bennett's government to not suspend the Kotel Compromise and move quickly to implement this well-crafted and important plan. Doing so would send an unequivocal message to both Israeli and Diaspora Jewry that no one has a monopoly on Jewish practice and that all are welcome to pray at Judaism's holiest site, the Kotel."

Don't Be Hoodwinked by Iran's Human Rights' Overtures' Warn Experts

In an
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op-ed , ADL Task Force on Middle East Minorities chair Sharon Nazarian and member Marjan Keypour Greenblatt warned against the Biden Administration falling for the Iranian regime&rsquo;s charade of using human rights as a negotiation tactic during talks over Iran&rsquo;s nuclear program.

Around the world


ADL Israel, in collaboration with Ynet, hosted a
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virtual event on Israel&rsquo;s role in fighting Global antisemitism. The event, which was opened by CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, featured a special address by President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, an interview with Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Nachman Shai, and two panel discussions on antisemitism and the discourse on Israel on the right and on the left.

In a
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blog on the Times of Israel, ADL Deputy National Director Kenneth Jacobson, examined Raam Party leader Mansour Abbas calling on Israeli Arabs to come to terms with Israel as a Jewish State and how it can be a catalyst for social cohesion and equity in Israel and beyond.

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welcomed a statement by Israeli Foreign Minister Lapid unequivocally denouncing anti-Palestinian violence by extremist Israeli settlers as a &ldquo;stain on Israel.&rdquo;

Jonathan Greenblatt
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commended the U.S. for voting regarding funding for a new U.N. Human Rights Council-created open-ended Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate alleged human rights abuses, calling the COI &ldquo;a new tool to undermine Israel's legitimacy and does nothing to further peace & support human rights&rdquo;.

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welcomed a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Bennett to the UAE, the first by an Israeli leader, which included a
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meeting between PM Bennett and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, calling the visit &ldquo;historic and groundbreaking.&rdquo;

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criticized US Senator Rand Paul for once again blocking resupply funding for Israel&rsquo;s lifesaving Iron Dome missile defense system.

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mourned the murder of Yehuda Dimantmen in a terrorist attack in the West Bank and expressed hope that the culprits are quickly apprehended.

ADL Israel
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condemned Haredi Rabbis Kanievsky and Edelstein&rsquo;s for issuing a dangerous call &ldquo;to do everything&rdquo; to prevent egalitarian prayer at the Kotel, including the implementation of the Kotel Compromise.

ADL&rsquo;s International Affairs Staff and Florida Regional Office Staff participated in a Jewish communal
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meeting in Florida with Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Nachman Shai.

Middle East

"Excerpt from a Kuwaiti textbook. &ldquo;With my brothers, I learned from the lesson that: 1. The enmity of the Jews toward Islam and the Muslims is old and deeply rooted. 2. Stirring up strife, breaking pacts, and malice are among the inherent characteristics of the Jews.&rdquo;

A new
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report by David Weinberg, Washington Director for International Affairs, shows how the Kuwaiti government's official list of textbooks for the 2021-22 academic year include state-published materials that teach horrific antisemitism.

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welcomed new US sanctions on human rights abusers in Iran and Syria.

ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle Eastern Minorities highlighted its
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top ten actions in 2021.

David Weinberg
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wrote the foreword for a new IMPACT-SE report on Qatar's state-published textbooks, highlighting how they recently removed some antisemitic content but still have more to do.

David Weinberg and Dan Granot, Director of Government Relations, met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Arabian Peninsula Affairs Daniel Benaim to discuss religious tolerance activities.


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expressed support for a letter sent by the British Board of Deputies to the BBC News Service, which criticized the BBC for their failure to properly cover a major antisemitic incident in London.

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criticized a Dutch far-left party for leaving out Jews from its list of victims in WWII.

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criticized the city council of Helsinki, Finland, for voting in favor of a BDS resolution.

Latin America

ADL published a
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report highlighting the prevalence of Spanish-language antisemitic content on Facebook, an issue that is largely overlooked by the social media company.

In an effort to reach and expand ADL&rsquo;s Spanish speaking audiences in the US and around the world, several ADL op-eds were translated into Spanish and published in Spanish language media sites:
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Carta abierta sobre la lucha contra el antisemitismo en las redes sociales
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El antisemitismo que Facebook permite en espanol es inaceptable
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ADL/ &ldquo;Holocuento y otras mentiras&rdquo;: El antisemitismo en espanol en Facebook
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nforme de ADL: La inflamatoria actividad antiisraeli y los llamamientos al BDS est&aacute;n agraviando a muchos estudiantes judios en la universidad
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Un flagelo creciente: antisemitismo en los campus universitarios en Estados Unidos

ADL condemned several antisemitic incidents and trends globally, including: a report on the spike in antisemitic incidents in
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Australia ; a group spitting at a bus full of Jewish teenagers celebrating Hanukkah in London,
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UK, and abuse on social media directed against television host in
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Brazil .

ADL, along with Hadassah, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and The Jewish Federations of North America hosted a webinar on the importance of the role of the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Global Antisemitism amid delays in confirming the Biden administration&rsquo;s nominee for the post, Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt. The webinar featured the four prior envoys - Gregg Rickman, Hannah Rosenthal, Ira Forman and Elan Carr &ndash; and was moderated by Sharon Nazarian, SVP for International Affairs.

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welcomed the passage of the Combating International Islamophobia Act &ndash; which would create the position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia - in the House and its introduction in the Senate.

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welcomed reports that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had sent a letter to international sports federations mandating that countries hosting sports championships must ensure athletes from all nations be allowed to compete equally. The letter comes in the aftermath of Malaysia refusing to allow Israeli athletes to compete in a squash competition.

Jonathan Greenblatt
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testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce for a hearing on Holding Big Tech Accountable: Legislation to Build a Safer Internet. His testimony included insights from the International Affairs department on the prevalence and urgency of addressing online antisemitism and other forms of cyberhate in languages such as Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish.

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welcomed the appointment of Stuart Eizenstadt to serve as State Department Special Advisor on Holocaust Issues.


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