I don’t know about you, but it sure feels like every day there are more and more threats to the very foundations of our democracy. Voter suppression in more and more Republican states, gerrymandering taking hold in far too many states, and the filibuster stopping any progress at the national level. Meanwhile, Americans are coping with an unrelenting pandemic, diminishing assistance to get through it, an inadequate health care system, out-of-control student debt – and the list goes on.
What’s at stake? Everything.
It could make a person, or an organization, want to give up…
It could fire us up and make us more fiercely determined to take our democracy back.
That’s what it did for DFA – and that’s why we’re so excited about the launching of DFA- AF.
A C(4) action arm of DFA, DFA –AF is ready to not only save and restore our democracy, but we are also ready to expand it. That’s right. We are working with our partners to stop voter suppression, end the filibuster, expand the court, and challenge gerrymandering – and we want to do more.
We want to help lead the charge for Ranked Choice Voting – where voters order (or rank) our candidate choices. We will be able to blunt the effects of Gerrymandered districts, we will make it possible for BIPOC and non-traditional candidates to enter and win races, we will diminish the negative campaigning, we will vanquish the cynicism of disappointed voters, and engage marginalized voters to participate.
Really? All that? Yes! And more. We are ready to bring the expertise and fighting spirit of DFA to municipal and state efforts around the country as we build toward a national ranked-choice voting system. And then there is work to be done on the way we vote in primaries so we can engage all the “independent” voters and just a whole lot more structural democracy work that must be done to fulfill the promise of democracy.
To succeed, we need all the urgency and passion, and acumen we have as a movement. DFA Advocacy Fund is ready to fight harder and smarter. We are ready to win. And we need YOU!
We need your smarts, your local action, your DFA spirit, and your financial support.
Help us pull our system back from the edge. Let’s save our democracy together. Sign up to be a part of DFA-AF. And send a contribution today.
- Betsy
Betsy Sweet
Democracy Ambassador
Democracy for America