From Richard Blumenthal <[email protected]>
Subject John, I'm facing reelection next year
Date December 30, 2021 5:06 PM
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John, as you may know, Democratic control of the Senate hangs by a thread — on top of that, our numbers in the House were weakened last year.

With myself and all members of the Connecticut Congressional delegation facing reelection next year, we’ll be depending on the incredible organizing infrastructure of the Connecticut Democratic Party to help us defend Democrats’ U.S. House and Senate majorities.

Can you donate $10 to help the CT Democratic Party reach their end-of-year fundraising goal? Your support will help them mobilize voters across the state as we prepare for the midterm elections. [[link removed]]

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Throughout this year, Senate Republicans have exploited the filibuster to block all progress because they think stopping President Biden’s popular agenda is their best chance to win in the midterms.

Ensuring that Democrats win up and down the ballot in November will require sustained voter outreach throughout the next year — that’s why Connecticut Democrats are counting on your help before their December 31st fundraising deadline.

If you can, please chip in now to ensure CT Dems can expand their voter outreach work in the leadup to the midterm elections next year. [[link removed]]

Thank you,

Senator Richard Blumenthal
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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