What you see might surprise you.

John — Dr. Oz is running on his medical credentials, but when you put his career under the microscope, you may discover something less than prestigious.

He’s profited off of pushing bogus diet pills – something he was called before the U.S. Senate to answer for. He promoted unproven treatments for COVID-19 at the height of the pandemic, even putting patients with chronic conditions for which those drugs were proven treatments at risk. He’s flip-flopped on his position on abortion, abandoning his medical training to earn votes. And, he’s even had his medical chops challenged by his own former colleagues.

It’s so clear that Dr. Oz is more concerned with winning elections than doing right by patients and Pennsylvanians. And the last thing Pennsylvanians need in Washington is another self-serving headline grabber – they need a problem solver. That’s Val.

Val has always put science and facts first – first as a physician of more than 20 years, and today as she continues to lead Pennsylvania’s third-largest county through the pandemic.

We can defeat Dr. Oz and his misinformation campaign, but we need to end the year strong to compete. Can you chip in any amount to help us meet our goal and start 2022 with the resources to win?

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— Team Val