
It’s hard to believe, but with less than 48 hours left in 2021, the holiday season is about to give way to the midterm season.

And this time next year, rather than putting coal in your stocking, the National Republican Congressional Committee has an even worse gift planned for you – they’d like to replace Mad and grow the ranks of their “do nothing” House Republican conference.

I know the strength of this team, friend, so I know we won’t make that easy for them.

But I won’t sugarcoat it: The NRCC placing Mad on their target list signals that DC and national Republicans are prepared to spend heavily to flip PA-04 in 2022 – we can’t let that happen. And we won’t.

After reworking our projections and budget, I’ve determined that we need to raise another $10,000 before the end of 2021 in order to be as prepared as possible for next year. If you’re able, can you donate now to help Mad and this team be ready for the oncoming attacks?


By chipping in now, you’re helping us be as prepared as possible to communicate with critically important voters across PA-04. Mad has a strong record of accomplishments, and I know with your help we’ll be able to get our message out far and wide.

2022 is literally hours away. Can you help us show the NRCC and Mad’s detractors that PA-04 isn’t flipping anytime soon? If so, please consider donating now.

I’ll be checking in with Mad later today, so I hope I can show her your name on the donor list. Thank you for being on this team.


Cole Dougherty
Finance Director


Madeleine is an attorney, professor, mother, grandmother, and Member of Congress, representing Pennsylvania’s 4th Congressional District of Berks and Montgomery Counties. She is an outspoken leader who champions progressive priorities such as education, universal access to healthcare, gun safety, and ethical government. Madeleine Dean has built a reputation for getting things done, and we need her to continue to be our voice to serve us in Congress.

We are excited to have you on Team Dean! Our campaign is funded by people who care about our democracy and want to see continued progress in our community and in our country. If you'd like to donate, click here.

If you’d like to volunteer, click here.


Paid for by Mad4PA PAC

Mad 4 PA PAC
PO Box 444
Glenside, PA 19038
United States

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