Hi John,

I want to echo A’shanti’s last message: We ARE so powerful when we work together. And Emerge alums prove that again and again with every landmark race and historic win. Thank you, A’shanti, for reminding us of what we can and must accomplish in the year ahead. 

Community donations power our efforts to reach, train, and elect Democratic women leaders up and down the ballot in every state – every single year. And we urgently need to hit our $50,000 goal before 2021 ends.

Thankfully, a generous donor has agreed to match every gift dollar-to-dollar to help us hit our crucial year-end goal. But we still need YOUR help to make the most of this amazing match opportunity. Will you give $5 or more now – your donation will be DOUBLED – to help Emerge elect bold Democratic women in every state?

Here’s the best link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/emerge2021

Thank you for your support at this critical time. 

Sandra Bishop
Chief Development Officer, Emerge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A’shanti F. Gholar
Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2021
Subject: We are powerful together