
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults is preventing thousands of premature deaths each year, a landmark study finds.

Conversely, 15,600 older adults died prematurely because of state decisions not to expand Medicaid.

The lifesaving impacts of Medicaid expansion are large: an estimated 39 to 64 percent reduction in annual mortality rates for older adults gaining coverage.

Since the start of the ACA’s Medicaid expansion to low-income adults, evidence has poured in that the expansion is helping people access and afford care. New research finds the policy is delivering on its promise to improve both financial security and health-inducing by saving lives.

In other words, if all states expanded Medicaid, the lives saved each year among older adults would nearly equal those of all sages saved by seatbelts.

Read the Report
  Download the PDF (10pp)

Additional Resources

 ›  Need a quick read on this new research? We have a blog on how Medicaid expansion saves lives.

 ›  Need more information? We have another blog on "ACA Medicaid Expansion Drove Large Drop in Uncompensated Care."

 ›  See Medicaid expansion's impact in charts with our updated chart book.
Contact: Caroline Anderson-Gray, 202-408-1080, Director of Digital Strategy
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