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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,

This year has been a difficult one for journalists and press freedom--but we were able to make some huge strides. Here are some updates on our work that were made possible thanks to your support:

  • We supported and helped evacuate 60 journalists and their families from Afghanistan, where the Taliban seized power in late summer.
  • CPJ helped win the early release of 101 imprisoned journalists from all over the world, surpassing our record of helping to free 99 jailed journalists in 2020.
  • We contributed to securing convictions in the murders of ten journalists.
  • When CPJ first launched its campaign against impunity more than a decade ago, 90 percent of journalist murders were unsolved. Today, our data show that four in five murders—or 80 percent—are unresolved.
  • Our Emergencies team provided assistance, including safety information, to 443 journalists from all over the world, including providing grants to journalists who needed support for emergency relocation, imprisonment, medical issues, and trauma.

These efforts are only possible because of people like you who have remained steadfast in your support of CPJ and press freedom. We hope you will consider making a gift to support this crucial work if you have not yet already done so.

Thank you for all that you do.

Joel Simon
Executive Director

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States