To prevail in this fight, we need your support

Dear QI supporter,

I have reached that stage of life where I find myself increasingly preoccupied with what the future holds for my children and grandchildren. At times, it’s hard to be optimistic. On the issues that matter most to their wellbeing the climate crisis, for example  the United States is following rather than leading. There is change afoot, but I am haunted by the fear that it will prove to be too little and too late.  

Then there is the American establishment’s apparently insatiable appetite for war  and its stubborn refusal to reckon with the damage that our recent wars have caused. No sooner than we got out of Afghanistan, we retrained our gun sights on China and Russia. 

The Quincy Institute exists to promote a national reckoning with these otherwise endless wars and the deeply vested interests in this country that perpetuate them. We stand at the forefront of the resistance to hyper-militarism. And, most importantly, we offer an alternative: An approach to statecraft based on the principles of prudence, restraint, and effective diplomacy.  

To prevail in this fight, we need your support.


We are tired of spending on missiles, bombs, and drones – and so are our kids. They are struggling to reconcile how the United States and China could possibly go to war with one another and not seal our planet’s destruction in the process. 

That is why, with your year-end gift, QI will continue to shape the intellectual debate, reach new audiences, and make an impact on the most pressing policy challenges of our time. We are expanding our network to grow with the brightest minds who will steer our country toward more hopeful times.

It is not too late! 

This is our final ask this year. As the end of 2021 is just a few days away, please consider making a 100% tax-deductible contribution to QI today to help us end all the endless wars! On behalf of everyone at QI, thank you for your consideration.


With gratitude and hope,

Andrew Bacevich, 

Our mailing address is:
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7000
Washington, DC 20006-1921

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