Dear Defender of Wildlife,
We don't know how much oil may lie beneath the surface of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – but we know oil companies will destroy the homes and lives of polar bears and other vulnerable wildlife trying to find out.
With the Trump administration's blessing, Big Oil is closing in on the Refuge, where the harm from drilling and seismic exploration could change this landscape forever.
But, Defender of Wildlife, we refuse to sit by idly and let them destroy this refuge and the animals who call it home – and we know you won't either!
ACT NOW: Tell the CEOs of major oil companies to keep their drills, thumper trucks and more out of the Arctic Refuge!
The coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to a variety of irreplaceable wildlife: the world's most imperiled polar bears threatened by climate change, over 200 species of migratory birds, wolves, musk oxen, grizzly bears and more.
And Arctic wildlife has enough serious challenges without adding more oil drilling to the mix. The Arctic is ground zero for climate change, with Arctic temperatures warming at twice the rate as the rest of the world.
The cost is too high for us to let Big Oil exploit one of the last truly wild places for dirty energy profits. Tell these Big Oil CEOs to stay out of the Arctic Refuge!
Now is the time for wildlife lovers across the country to raise their voices and demand that gigantic oil and gas corporations stay out of the Arctic Refuge. Letting these companies drill will be a catastrophe for the wildlife, the wilderness, and the indigenous peoples whose cultural and spiritual refuge is the Arctic Refuge.
Stand up to Big Oil today, before it's too late.
Robert Dewey
Vice President, Government Relations and External Affairs Defenders of Wildlife |