You might know me as co-host of HGTV’s “Frozen in Time” or Marcia Brady on "The Brady Bunch." But what you might not know is that my brother, Dennis, and I are life-long supporters of Special Olympics! And today, in my official and proud capacity as a Special Olympics Global Ambassador, I'm reaching out to you with this exciting opportunity:
Because you love and support people with intellectual disabilities (ID), Special Olympics wants to give you a chance to TRIPLE your gift! There are only a few days left before this match ends, though, so please act now — and make a year-end donation right now to see it go three times as far for Special Olympics athletes!

My brother Denny is one of my favorite people. Ever. He has given me so many different perspectives on life and what truly matters!

Denny is one of the 200 million people around the world who has ID. It hurts to say this, but growing up, he was bullied every day. I remember Denny would come home from school crying because people called him the R-word. When we would go out as a family, people stared at him. He would lower his head and feel ashamed because he was different.
Friend, watching him go through all of these things broke my heart.
But when Denny and I got involved in supporting the athletes and programs of Special Olympics, it had an enormous impact on both of our lives. Denny was embraced by a community where he found acceptance and love, and my parents and I were thrilled to find an organization that champions people like Denny.
That’s what your 3X gift today can give to people with ID like my brother Denny. Your generosity will help someone gain the confidence they need to hold their head up high. It will help someone find a friend and a place to feel included. It will help stamp out the discrimination people with ID face just for being different.
Your gift, which is TRIPLE MATCHED today, means so much to my family and the millions of Special Olympics families worldwide. Please, don’t miss this chance to make a true difference for athletes in 2021. Access your 3X match offer now:
Thank you,
Maureen McCormick
Special Olympics Global Ambassador