They were dead wrong on peak oil, so I'm not too worried about peak beef.
CNN (7/17/19) reports: "Americans will need to cut their average consumption of beef by about 40% and Europeans by 22%, for the world to continue to feed the 10 billion people expected to live on this planet in 2050, according to a new report. That means each person could have about a burger and a half each week. This calculation comes from the World Resources Institute...The authors suggest there are several ways to keep people from starving and to keep the climate crisis at bay, but the most impactful way to do this may be to cut the consumption of ruminant meat...Governments could also take steps to make other menu items more desirable, according to the report. For example, governments could phase out subsidies for meat and dairy products or start taxing beef, making it more expensive."
"Given that electricity is indispensable to our economy, health, and way of life, its value is so great that it simply can't be measured. That means ditto for our domestic gas supply."
– Jude Clemente, Forbes