The holiday season and preparation for a New Year means many things for us all. For me, it marks a time of rest, reflection, gratitude, and inspiration for growth.
This year, I have the pleasure of reflecting on a decade of Caring Across’ milestones and breakthroughs for all of our families as well as the role Caring Across supporters like you have played in making those achievements possible! All while we continue to roll up our sleeves and commit to preparing for the next decade of progress.
Donate today to support the next decade of breakthroughs!
Caring Across’ 10-year anniversary in 2021 is as much a chance to celebrate our work as an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve learned over the past decade. We are interconnected and dependent. Care is at the heart of everything — from our families, to our communities, to our economy. You and I both know that care work is the labor that makes all other work possible. As we look towards rebuilding post-pandemic, we must continue to appreciate, invest, and be intentional with care as the solution to many of the challenges we face.

From our founding Care Congress, to the launch of Kupuna Cares in Hawai’i, to winning minimum wage protections for nearly two million home care workers, to the passage of the Long Term Care Trust Fund in WA state, the last 10 years have been a path of milestones that have led us to this year’s unprecedented progress towards care for all. We are helping to lead a growing movement that is changing the way people across the country see and value care. Your continued support will allow us to keep applying the pressure needed to expand the care infrastructure we all need to thrive.
Let’s keep the drumbeat going. Donate today.
All of us have been given a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform how we care for ourselves and loved ones in this country. This giving season, I’d like to thank you for being a champion of our work. Please join our community of donors that will anchor the next decade of Caring Across’ work to create a pathway towards care for all.
Support our $10K for $10 years end of year campaign by January 1st and you’ll DOUBLE the value of your gift — it’s being matched! Make your gift today!
With care,
Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director
Caring Across Generations