
As 2021 comes to a close, we'd like to take a moment to say that on behalf of Christy and the whole team, we're beyond grateful for your ongoing support.

In a moment, we're going to ask you to chip in whatever you can to help Christy's campaign, but first, we want to fill you in on everything YOU helped accomplish this year:
  • Over 6,500 folks have stepped up to donate.
  • Our average donation is $22.33 -- all from grassroots donors.
  • Christy spent countless hours talking to voters and supporters in this district to make sure her message was getting out to the right people.
  • We marched for reproductive justice to make sure the people know what's at stake.
We can accomplish so much when we work together to get it done. That's why we know we can count on you to help us hit our $20,000 end-of-year fundraising goal. And the good news is we're only $6,936 away. Will you support this effort with a $20.22 donation right now?

Everything we accomplished we did despite the harsh realities of this moment.

COVID continues to wreak havoc on our lives, attacks on voting rights threaten the very fabric of our democracy, and egregious laws in Texas and Mississippi make us confront the very real possibility of a post-Roe world.

But, YOU took a stand to say, "Not. On. My. Watch," and, for that, we could not be more humbled and inspired.

This team has done so much, and it's because of you, John. We have a steep fundraising goal, and we're only $6,936 away from hitting it. So now, we have to ask you to dig deep and do a little more.

We know you'll step up to the challenge because you have every time. Can we count on you to chip in $20.22 so we can close out this year in good shape? Thank you for your support. We are so excited about what 2022 has in store.

--Team Christy