Film Tells the Stories of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel
"This film highlights the various types of violence, arbitrary detention, arrest, mistreatment and torture Palestinian children endure, as well as the emotional and psychological impact of being targeted by Israel’s security system."
“Boycott” Warns Against Ceding First Amendment Rights to Israel
"This film leaves viewers to grapple with the ramifications of Israel’s assault on free speech in the U.S and puts Americans of all stripes on notice: Abrogating the First Amendment for any cause is a slippery, dangerous slope."
Stay Engaged With the Latest Films in 2022!
Voices from the Holy Land (VFHL) is a coalition of more than 100 interfaith organizations (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Quaker and Unitarian) that began sponsoring documentary film presentations after the 2014 Israeli bombing of Gaza. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, we’ve hosted Online Film Salons. Each month, registrants receive a link allowing them to watch that month’s documentary at their convenience. Then, on a given Sunday, all registrants gather online to discuss the film with panelists. Smaller gatherings in breakout rooms wrap up the discussion.