
The end of the year is just a few days away, and we need your help to get over one final hurdle.

As the New Year kicks off, we will begin a bruising and hard fought campaign cycle.  After spending $15 million just a year ago to defeat us, Pelosi had her Squad will be looking for weakness in our campaign.  We cannot let that happen - not after all we have fought for and all we need to do to stop the recklessness of Leftists in charge of Congress! 

America has suffered under the leadership of the Radical Left. We have seen the Biden Administration fail at every opportunity, while House Socialists like AOC and Pelosi have been pushing through the most destructive agendas in our nation’s history.
Beth has always fought to put America First, and this year, the Left has put America last in every respect. The crises raging in our nation are unprecedented, and if we are going to get a grip on inflation, job-killing mandates, and violent crime, we will have to go into 2022 stronger than ever!

America is getting ready to head into an election year, and there are many challenges and opportunities ahead. If we can head into this next year with your support, we will have the confidence to win. As 2021 closes down, will you pitch in and help us kick 2022 off stronger than ever?
Thank you for your support, 
Team Van Duyne