HOPE not hate
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John --

I'm Nick Spooner, and I'm a part of HOPE not hate's Organising Team.

So many of you have told us that you want to volunteer for HOPE not hate, and we are so excited to work with you.

This election will be like no election that's ever happened in our lifetimes. If we're going to take on the dangerous, divisive politics of Nigel Farage then we need to be better organised that we ever have been before.

That's why we've set up three new teams for people who want to volunteer for us during this election:

Organising Team

If we're going to beat the Brexit Party, we need to get boots on the ground in seats across the country, knocking on doors, having conversations and delivering leaflets.

Sign up for the HOPE not hate Organising Team today to either organise a campaign day for us in your local area, or to get linked up with other people nearby who are organising for HOPE.

Join our Organising Team

Research Team

From their links to far-right parties to their belief in conspiracy theories, we all know that the Brexit Party have some pretty dodgy stuff going on.

We're going to need your help to keep tabs on them during this election. Whether it's a Brexit Party leaflet that gets posted through your door, or a dodgy comment by one of their candidates that gets posted on Facebook - we need you to let us know.

Sign up for the HOPE not hate Research Team today to help us hold the Brexit Party to account, and push their dodgy dealings into the limelight.

Join our Research Team

Rapid Response WhatsApp Team

In this election it is vital that we are as active online as we are on the ground.

the HOPE not hate digital team have been working tirelessly to produce graphics, videos and GIFs to take on the Brexit Party in this election.

We've set up a WhatsApp Broadcast list so that we can send you key pieces of content, as soon as we have them. Signing up to this list is the only way to get your hands on our most up-to-date content.

Here's how you can sign up.

  1. If you haven't already, download WhatsApp to your phone. You can find instructions here.
  2. Add HOPE not hate with the number +447366 924362
  3. Send the message start on WhatsApp.
    On your phone? Click here to open WhatsApp and do it automatically
Join our Rapid Response Team

Really don't want to download WhatsApp? You can join our rapid response email list here.

Sign up to as many of these groups as you'd like, and we'll be in touch very soon with more details of actions we'll need you to do.

I'm really looking forward to working with you!

Nick Spooner
HOPE not hate Organising Lead

Donate to our Fighting Fund