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Hi Friend,
As you consider your year-end giving, I'd like to share a stark
218 million: The estimated number of women in low- and middle-income
countries who want to avoid pregnancy but are not using modern forms
of contraception.
This staggering figure illustrates why global population grows so
rapidly-largely because of the vast unmet need for family
planning education and services. That's why your help is now
more critical than ever-with your support, we'll keep fighting
for reproductive health and rights everywhere.
Joining us in this fight, a group of generous donors has offered to
match ALL gifts to Population Connection through the end of the year,
dollar for dollar, up to $60,000.
Your gift of $35.00 today will be
DOUBLED-providing a critical boost to our ongoing programs to
defend reproductive health and rights around the world.
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Your support today will raise awareness about the steep environmental
and humanitarian costs of global population growth.
Just consider what your support accomplished in 2021:
Nearly 200 activists attended our virtual Capitol Hill Days.
Collectively, they contacted congressional offices 1,200 times
to demand a permanent end to the Global Gag Rule and an increase
in international family planning funding.
More than 12,000 future educators took part in PopEd workshops,
acquiring the tools they need to inform students about the
dangers of global population growth.
Over 700 of your fellow grassroots supporters tuned in to learn
about population issues and share their knowledge through our
virtual events. People like you are key to amplifying our
message about population growth far and wide, and we're
committed to continuing to offer educational events for all of
our members and supporters.
And thanks to our generous matching gift sponsors, your own generous
gift of $35.00 will go twice as
far, up to $60,000! Together, we can further expand these important
programs-and more!-throughout 2022.
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Thank you, as ever, for your partnership and support, and warmest
wishes for the new year.
John Seager Photo
John Seager
President and CEO
Population Connection
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Population Connection, 2120 L St NW, Suite 500, Washington,
D.C. 20037
Main: 202-332-2200 Fax: 202-332-2302 Toll Free:
Population Connection Copyright © 2021
All rights reserved.