I want to tell you the story of how I got into politics.

John, I want to tell you the story of how I got into politics.

My very first election occurred when I attended the University of North Alabama.  

I decided to run for Student Council. I put up posters around the university that said, “Annette Taddeo for Secretary.”

And on the day of the election as I headed out to vote, my posters no longer said Annette Taddeo for Secretary. They now said “Annette Taddeo for Deportation.”

I lost that election, but I gained so much more. You see, John, in that moment I could be angry and bitter, or I could allow it to strengthen and inspire me. 

That day I decided that I would run for public office someday because no matter the color of our skin, our gender orientation, the way we look or the accent we have, what makes this country GREAT is the strength in our diversity and our belief that in America, when the cause is just, you need to get in there and fight for what's right.

There’s a great ending to that story. After my special election win in 2017, I was invited to be the commencement speaker at my alma mater. And yes, during my commencement address I told my story of that election 25 years earlier. This time, instead of the racist comments, I received a standing ovation, from people in deep red Alabama.

And now, as the only Latina in this race to be the next Governor of Florida, I’m ready to take on this fight to put an end to Ron DeSantis once and for all. Democrats are ready for change to give a voice to ALL Floridians.

Let me tell you, John:
I want to be the change for you and your families – and I know we have what it takes to defeat Ron DeSantis on Election Day. 

And if we’re going to come out on top, it’ll be because we laid a strong foundation for this campaign right now. 

I’m counting on 300 grassroots Democrats to chip in before my End of Year Deadline to help me win. 

Will you join me in the fight for real change for Florida families?

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250


Yours in the fight,



Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

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1742 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33135
[email protected]


Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

Contributions or gifts to Annette Taddeo for Governor are not tax deductible.