As an organizer with Our Revolution, I've spent much of the past year standing up to corporate Democrats who pretend to support working people when campaigning, but who turn their back on us once in power.
The pharmaceutical and oil industries have used their corporate Democratic puppets to kill Bernie's historic budget which would have cut child poverty rates in half, addressed the climate crisis, guaranteed cheaper prescription drugs, expanded Medicare, and much more.
That's why, in 2022, we're gearing up to defeat corporate Democrats AND stop fascist Republicans from taking control of Congress. John, we need to make corporate Democrats pay for betraying working families by killing Bernie's budget. Can I count on you to rush a donation now to support Our Revolution's critical work to elect progressives in 2022?
Corporate Democrats and fascist Republicans are betting that we will back down, but we can't afford to do that.
Our democracy is on the line, and we need to rise to the challenge.
That's why I'm urging you to chip in now to support our critical work to elect progressives in 2022. Any amount is greatly appreciated!
In solidarity,
Anna-Marta Organizing Coordinator Our Revolution
