Hi Friend,
When the pandemic hit, I decided to take control of my children’s education. I made a plan for each of my children, depending on their individual learning needs and the environment they’d be most comfortable in.
My youngest son was in his last year of pre-k, the primetime of development. And I feared the masks, social distancing requirements, and the ample screen time would be unhealthy for this critical developmental stage. So I decided to homeschool him.
I’m blessed that I had the opportunity and the choice to do what was best for each of my children. And I’m grateful to Independent Women’s Forum for giving me the opportunity to advocate for other parents to have this same freedom.
But there are so many others who need our help.
When IWF put out a call for stories about people’s pandemic learning experiences, I shared mine, not even realizing the full impact I could have. But recently, thanks to IWF, I was called to testify before Congress about my family’s experience.
All children do not learn the same. And the lack of in-person schooling during the pandemic hurt kids and parents alike. Parents should have a variety of choices of what learning environment and style works best for their student.
IWF has been leading the way on parental rights and educational freedom, but they need our help to really secure both for our families in the coming year.
48 Hours Left: I urge you to donate to IWF to help them reach their end-of-year goal so they can continue to fight for parents’ rights and our children’s future.
Thank you, and I wish you all the best this holiday season.
Denise Ladson Johnson