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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,

Twenty years ago, when we began our Journalist Assistance program, we did so because we had identified the need for rapid response for journalists who were under threat. Today, that program is part of a larger Emergencies department, which provides physical, digital, and psychological help, as well as financial support, to thousands of journalists globally.

The humanitarian crisis that took place in August in Afghanistan underscored the need for such help. In the few months since the Taliban seized the country, CPJ has directly helped 60 journalists and their families flee the country and has supported and contributed to scores of others doing the same. We continue to respond to thousands of emergency requests and are giving grants to journalists still in the country.

If you have already supported CPJ’s crucial work this year, we are very grateful. If you haven’t yet had the chance to give a gift, we hope you will consider making a donation today at cpj.org/donate.

Thank you so much.

John D. Weis
Director of Development & Outreach

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States