John, let me be brief but urgent: our action in the coming weeks will make all the difference for the future of our democracy.
That’s because right now, we have a fast-closing window of opportunity to build momentum for the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act -- before the Senate takes up these voting rights bills again as soon as early January. Your help is urgently needed to seize this opportunity.
Together, these bills would do more than just fix voter suppression, end gerrymandering, and block the dangerous and shocking attempts at election sabotage that we’re seeing in multiple states -- although doing so is of the utmost importance.
The Freedom to Vote Act would also help break the grip that Big Money special interests have on the legislative process and crack down on secret money in elections.
John, just think about what we could accomplish for our democracy if we no longer let Mitch McConnell’s filibuster shut down progress. Senate Republicans have blocked consideration of major voting rights legislation four times in 2021. We can’t let McConnell and his cronies continue to hijack the Senate using arcane procedural loopholes.
The battle you and I are fighting right now to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act could make all the difference.
How? You see, these bills -- paired with the work Common Cause does at the state level -- are our best defense against the far-right’s all-out war on our democracy. They both have overwhelming support from voters of all parties and buy-in from key senators, including all 50 Democratic and independent senators.
But we know that winning this campaign will require pressuring the Senate to take on its rules -- so that no outdated Senate process, like the filibuster, can get in the way of strengthening our democracy.
That’s why we've kicked off an intense, down-to-the-wire People-Powered Mobilization to push the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act all the way to President Biden’s desk. Thousands of calls to key senators, events across the country, and a public-facing media push to show every American just how high the stakes are.
And to put it bluntly and urgently -- I’m writing to you today, John, because I need your help to fund this critical effort. I know that you are probably getting a lot of messages from a lot of worthy causes -- but I sincerely hope that you are able to chip in to support this People-Powered Mobilization today.
Here’s why: we can’t make progress on any of the issues that matter to you and me if the democratic process is broken. That’s why I hope you will do your part today by chipping in $3 or more -- so we can count you on the list of active supporters of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Our democracy is fundamentally important but dangerously fragile -- and it takes the dedicated action of every generation, including ours, to defend it for the next one.
That’s why I’m so glad to know I can count on you for this effort.
In common cause,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause