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Primary schools should be free to teach children about LGBT+ relationships without consulting parents, the chair of the country's equality watchdog has said.
A cross-party group, a trade union and academics have jointly published a guide which aims to avoid reporting that can exacerbate hate crime towards Muslims.
The suspected suicide of a Charedi Jewish teenager in Manchester last year has led to a report calling for the need to ensure the effective safeguarding of
children within the strictly-Orthodox community.
A new study on what people in the UK think about God and the Bible has found only 18% believe the Bible is relevant to them personally despite 40%
identifying as Christian.
The British Veterinary Association has recommended protecting the welfare of animals at slaughter as part of a series of pledges it is encouraging parties to
adopt in their election manifestos.
New figures released today by YouGov reveal that 83% of people with an advanced or terminal illness think organisations representing doctors should have
either a neutral or supportive stance on assisted dying.
A Dalit man died after he was brutally attacked with an axe and set on fire for trying to enter a temple at Hamirpur in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh,
police said on Friday.
A group of 'former' lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans from two Californian churches has descended upon Washington DC to lobby against two
proposed bills which would further strengthen the rights of LGBT citizens.
As the UK's political parties consider their manifestos for the upcoming election, Stephen Evans outlines a series of secularist pledges they should include
to advance freedom, fairness and equal citizenship.
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