Dear John,
State lawmakers introduced more anti-abortion restrictions this year than ever before. And soon, legislative sessions will begin for 2022 with politicians rushing to pass more harmful restrictions and bans, including S.B. 8 copycats.
Will you push back against these dangerous attacks on abortion access with a gift to PRH today?
Texas S.B. 8 prohibits abortion care at about six weeks of pregnancy which is before many people realize they’re pregnant. This directly undermines Roe v. Wade’s protections. Now other states - Missouri, Florida, Ohio, and Arkansas to name a few - are planning to copy what Texas has done.
PRH will keep speaking up and working towards a future where people can receive the health care they need. We can’t do it without you. Join us today with a gift. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous group of supporters.
MiQuel Davies, JD (she/her)
Assistant Director, Public Policy