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Wednesday, December 29th, 2021


From Pandemic Plague to Seasonal Sniffle: How Viruses Mutate into Milder Strains To Survive

James Tweedie

The Company Ink?

Tim Hartnett

The Unvaccinated Are Idiots?

Brian J. Foley

This Is What a Reader Wrote Me About the Vaccine Madness in Ireland

Vasko Kohlmayer

Did Joe Biden Just End the Pandemic?

Graham Dockery

CDC Admits Covid Tests Are Invalid

Martin Armstrong

The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism

Paul Craig Roberts

Life With an EV

Eric Peters

Massive Demonstrations as Huge Fines and Jail Coming for Unvaxxed Austrians

John-Henry Westen

Heroes, Villains, and Numbskulls of 2021

Laurence M. Vance

Putting the Final Nail in the Covid Coffin

William Bernard Butler

How the Endless Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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