NYPD cops will soon have to start recording the race, gender and age of every person they pull over during a vehicle stop — even cyclists. This is the poison consequence of Democrat rule.
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Democrat Racism on Steroids in NYC
NYPD cops will soon have to start recording the race, gender and age of every person they pull over during a vehicle stop — even cyclists. This is the poison consequence of Democrat rule.

NYPD cops will soon have to start recording the race, ...

Jewish Student Attacked for Wearing IDF Hoodie in NYC
Jews are fair game in Democrat America.

Photo: The suspect in an antisemitic attack in Brooklyn, New York on December 26, 2021. Photo: NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force

New York City Police Seeking Suspect Who Attacked Jewish Man in Brooklyn for ...

Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci’s Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths
Fauci's emphasis on the failed vaccines rather than treatment fr the China flu has resulted in thousands of deaths.

Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci's Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths

Sen. Rand Paul is blaming Dr. Anthony Fauci for the ...

Florida Plans To Investigate State Holdings in Chinese Companies and ‘Woke’ Companies
Florida is literally the leader of the free world thanks to DeSantis.

Florida Plans to Investigate State Holdings in Chinese Companies and 'Woke' Companies

By Jeremy Frankel | 27 December 2021 10:28 PM

Florida will be taking action ...

OOPS! After Blaming COVID Deaths on Trump, Joe BACKTRACKS Says ‘No Federal Solution’ to Pandemic
Asshattery, mendacity and incompetence in spades.

Trump was right.

NEVER MIND! After Blaming COVID Deaths on Trump, Joe Says ‘No Federal Solution’ to Pandemic

By: The First TV, December 28, 2021:

President Biden reversed course ...

CNN and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year
How does disgraced CNN have any viewers left?

CNN and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year

Network’s 2021 mishaps and gaffes go far beyond those of a typical mainstream news organization By Fox News, December 27th, 2021 ...

France closes mosque after imam – a recent Islam convert – used sermons to incite hatred towards Christians, gay people and Jews and defend jihad
But ……it's in the Quran.

France closes mosque after imam – a recent Islam convert – used sermons to incite hatred towards Christians, gay people and Jews and defend jihad.

France has ordered the closure of a mosque in Beauvais, a ...

Killing Our Patients’: Nurse Whistleblower Exposes Hospital Failures, Side Effects of COVID Shot
At this point, almost everyone knows someone or of someone who died after the j

Killing Our Patients’: Nurse Whistleblower Exposes Hospital Failures, Side Effects of COVID Shot

By Truth Press, December 28, 2021:

‘When I ...

Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Crashes to 36 Percent
A new low for President Biden's approval rating. How low can it go? Read about President Biden's disastrous first year here.

Related – Biden's terrible first year

Related – Stephen Miller: No President Lost Public's Confidence Faster ...

Indianapolis Administrator Fired After Leaking School District’s Social Justice Initiatives
Truth is forbidden, punishment punitive  in Democrat America.

Indianapolis Administrator Fired After Leaking School District’s Social Justice Initiatives

By: Kendall Tietz, Daily Caller, , December 20, 2021:

An Indianapolis Public ...

Iran nuclear deal has ‘put us on cruise control heading over a cliff,’ former Israeli envoy to U.S says
Former Israeli envoy to the U.S Ron Dermer is 100 percent correct. As documented extensively on the Geller Report, the Biden Administration relaxed economic sanctions against Iran. Even worse, they took the military option off the table against ...
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