Did you see the great news that Rick was endorsed by the Progressive Turnout Project?

The Progressive Turnout Project fights voter suppression and makes sure that ALL voters around the country get to the polls.

The good folks at PTP have also pledged to match every grassroots donation, up to a total of $5000. Will you chip in right now to help us meet this match and maximize the opportunity?

this next election is critical. Our majority in the House makes it possible for us to advance critical policies, defend voting rights, and continue to hold Donald Trump and his allies accountable for what happened on January 6, 2021.

If we let the Republicans win in 2022, they will stop our progress and undo all we have accomplished. We cannot let that happen.

Our strategy at Team Larsen next year is simple: we are going to build a huge progressive grassroots organization and win neighborhood by neighborhood.

Chip in $3 to help us build the grassroots team we need to win in 2022. Rick and I are counting on you, to help us meet the match!

Delaney Hewitt

Team Larsen

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50