Green Party of Canada

Hi Friend,

Thanks to so many generous supporters over this past year, the Green Party of Canada has already seen a shift. And with 2021 almost at its end, we look to 2022 with optimism for the success that it will bring. We're looking forward to working with you and to being your Green voice on climate change, a green economy, and a strong social safety net for all Canadians. 

Give today
Help push for a better and more sustainable Canada for us all. Your gift today will help address Canada’s most pressing issues. There are just three days left before this year comes to a close. That means that there are just THREE DAYS left to get your 2021 gift in and be eligible for up to 75 per cent back come tax time!

I was looking at our records and noticed that we may not have a contribution from you yet this year.

Your 2021 donation total: $0.00
Suggested gift today: $10.00

With just a three days left to get your 2021 donations in, I want to make sure our records are up to date and you have a chance to give, if you’re able. 

Would you consider giving to the Green Party of Canada this holiday season so we can carry on the good work?
Count me  in!

*This amount is based on the donation record with the national party linked to your email address. If incorrect, please let us know by emailing [email protected] and we’ll investigate.


What we raise in the next few days will set the tone for 2022. You make our success possible, donate today! 

Thanks again for your passion. Your financial, political and moral support are all part of what makes Greens the best!

John Chenery
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada

P.S. – Did you know you can get up to 75 per cent of your donation back with your tax credit? So a donation of $10.00 could cost you as little as $2.50. If you’re not sure how the credit applies to you, we’d be happy to help. Email us at [email protected].

*GPC staff are still processing snail mail donations, so this email may not reflect your mail donations. Thank you for your generous support. Happy Holidays!


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Our mailing address: PO Box 997, STN B, Ottawa ON, K1P 5R1. Call us toll-free: 1-866-868-3447

Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.