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Dear Free Software Supporter,
Registration has officially opened for LibrePlanet 2020! Mark
your calendars: the conference will be held on March 14 and 15,
2020, in the Boston area. Scholarship applications, exhibitor
registration, and sponsor opportunities are also open now. For
those of you who haven't been to the LibrePlanet conference
before: expect a friendly, social, community-focused event with
two days of inspiring talks and workshops from some of the most
prominent people in the free software community.
Students and Free Software Foundation (FSF) associate
members attend LibrePlanet gratis. Not a member? Join
today for $10 per month ($5 for students), or register for
LibrePlanet at our non-member rate of $90 for the two day
At LibrePlanet 2019, over a thousand people participated either
in person or online in the conference. Free software
enthusiasts traveled from fourteen countries to explore the
theme "Trailblazing Free Software." You can watch videos from
this past March's conference on our MediaGoblin instance.
You can already pre-order this year's full-color LibrePlanet
T-shirt on the conference registration form; if you order ahead,
you can pick your shirt up at the event. Or, you can order the
T-shirt through the FSF Shop, if you would like to have it
shipped to you.
Call for Sessions LibrePlanet 2020: "Free the Future"
The call for sessions for LibrePlanet will close on
November 20, at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC), so if you haven't
submitted yet, there is still time to be part of the
program. This year, LibrePlanet will explore the theme, "Free
the Future," and we are looking forward to seeing free
software explored through the lens of this year's theme in
sessions about software development, copyleft, community, or
other related issues.
Have a look at our call for sessions blog post to learn
more about the theme and the kinds of sessions we are looking
for. We are also hosting an information session every Thursday to
answer any questions you have about submitting a proposal for
LibrePlanet, until submissions close on November 20. To
participate in these information sessions, join us in the #libreplanet
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel during these time slots:
Don't use IRC? Email your questions to [email protected].
Need help traveling to LibrePlanet?
We have a limited amount of funding to bring conference participants
to LibrePlanet from all around the world. You can apply for a
scholarship now! The application deadline is Monday,
December 2nd, 2019, at 10:00 EST (15:00
UTC). Scholarship recipients will be notified in mid-December.
If you don't need a scholarship, you can help us to free the
future, and welcome the broadest possible audience, by making a
contribution to support those who do.
Support LibrePlanet by becoming an exhibitor or sponsor
LibrePlanet is organized by the FSF, a 501(c)(3) charity. Your
contribution allows us to create a truly valuable event
for many people all over the globe by making the production of
the event possible, and allowing us to livestream the event.
We also offer unique opportunities for businesses and other organizations to connect to a
community that is dedicated to free software. Early bird pricing
for exhibitors starts now, and will be available until February
15th, 2020. For information on how your company can have a table
in our exhibit hall, or to further sponsor the LibrePlanet
conference, please email [email protected].
I hope to see you at LibrePlanet!
Zoë Kooyman
Program Manager