Dear Patriot,
As we countdown the last of 2021, and look toward all the battles 2022 will bring, Washington, D.C. is in utter chaos.
Battles (and perhaps even bipartisan “deals”) over more trillion-dollar spending, forced vaccines, vaccine
passports, gun control, expanded government spying, and socialized medicine are all in the works and all part of the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi agenda. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is working behind the scenes (and deceptively) to try and hold off a
financial crisis even WORSE than 2008. The truth is, the coming year is going to be an
absolutely critical year for those of us who believe in liberty and limited government.
So with the end of the year rapidly
approaching, won’t you please renew for 2022 with a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 right
away? With national media elites fawning all over the government
power grabs – cheerleading every constitutional safeguard they wreck – the Deep State is more emboldened than ever and growing more
lawless by the day. Battles over election “reform,” gun control, so-called
“climate” legislation, and expanded government spying will all be in the works – much of it hidden in other bills.
Even if we make it through the rest of the year without any more damage done, bad bills,
mandates and attacks on liberty are looming. With small bites taken over time, the statists are working hard to implement their Great Reset agenda :
>>More COVID tyranny, including vaccine passports, tucked inside massive bills like Biden’s $5 Trillion
“Build Back Better” plan; >>Gun control, gun-ownership databases, and all-out
confiscation; >>“Climate legislation and even “climate lockdowns” to
“Save the Earth;” >>Expanded government spying;
>>Ushering in permanent one party rule by nationalizing elections;
>>Destroying the Senate filibuster to RAM through all of the above. These horrible ideas, AND MORE, are all in the works.
And now the Federal Reserve is more out of control than ever before. But members of
Congress including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “AOC”
(D-NY) are calling for a more aggressive Fed to tackle racism and even take on a digital currency so the government can track more about you. With so much at stake, Campaign for Liberty cannot afford
to take a step back in 2022, so won’t you please renew for next year with a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 right
away? If you thought the Fed’s big bankster cronyism was
bad, just imagine the damage the admitted “trained Marxists” at Black Lives Matter will do with the Fed’s massive powers. The truth is, I don’t know how much more we can take. Our national debt is now a
whopping $29.377 TRILLION . . . and rising. Every U.S. taxpayer is now on the hook
for $232,240 – an increase of over $15,000 per taxpayer since this time last year! And
even if you whipped out your checkbook to pay “your part,” it wouldn’t cover one red cent of this year’s government spending.
All it would do is go to pay off past debt. Various studies have even shown that if you took
every single cent of wealth from the U.S. billionaires, it would fund less than one year of government spending.
But the problem isn’t billionaires. The problem is how much
politicians spend. And I haven’t even mentioned BOTH parties’ power-drunk
response to the COVID-19 hysteria. Even as COVID-19’s fatality-rate
dropped like a rock (now, a fraction of what the bloated estimates were), the war on our freedoms hasn’t let up. If anything, the attacks on our freedoms and liberties have only increased as members of BOTH parties continually push for
forced vaccinations (which will likely have severe side effects) and Orwellian “contact tracing” schemes like H.R. 6666.
As The Washington Times wrote, “CDC, Dems go full-steam communist on contact tracing.”
Under this scheme, a Stasi-style police “strikeforce” would be
created with the power to enter your home to “conduct testing,” “contact tracing” and “related activities,” and
for “other purposes” to separate those who test positive (or refuse to comply) from loved ones!
You’ll be stripped of the freedom to live your life as you see fit – unless your new bureaucratic overlords give you
“permission.” Last year I predicted this would happen, and it’s coming true now as Dr. Fauci calls for more and more mandates. Mind you the government has continued to hand down mandates and never passes laws!
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry famously challenged fellow patriots with the brave words, “As for me,
give me liberty or give me death!” Has our country really fallen so far
in the past 246 years that we’ll give up all of our freedoms in fear of a virus that has a 97.34% survival rate (according to
“official” data)? And even those numbers likely far over-estimate the virus’
danger, since most people who acquire it are asymptomatic and are never tested, and testing was in short supply earlier in the year – meaning
only people exhibiting nasty symptoms were ever tested. From every corner, freedom is under
assault, Patriot. The statists are on the march, and they will not give up until our liberties
have been completely wiped out. With the Democrats at risk of losing their stranglehold on
the White House, the Senate, and the House in the 2022 mid-term elections, you can be sure they will be going for broke next year.
That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for C4L for 2022 at once.
With so much
at stake in the coming year, I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to stretch and give more than they have in the past
if you can afford
it. I realize that’s a lot to ask for. But you know just as well as I do
that the moment we stop fighting is the moment we lose everything. Will you please agree to a generous gift of $100 or more
today? 2022 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for
the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us have a role to play. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do.
Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once!
For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis extends into 2022. Please make your largest possible end-of-year gift now so we
can be prepared for the looming battles. Thank you for all you do for liberty. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.