From Secure & Prosper <[email protected]>
Subject Outrage Over Survival Food
Date December 28, 2021 8:30 PM
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[Secure & Prosper]

Please see a special message from our sponsor 4Patriots.

Outrage Over Survival Food

[Grocery Store Shelves]

According to leading industry sources, grocery stores across the United Sta=
tes are worried about food shortages.

Experts say more grocery hoarding may come as disruptions push America's fo=
od supply "near its breaking point".

As a result of this crisis, survival food is more important than ever.

If you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be =
setting your family up to be hungry in a time of crisis.

It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are =
making critical mistakes with their survival food.

Mistakes like...

* Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life =E2=80=93 depending on where yo=
u purchase them from they could be near expired...

* Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in=
salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself =

* Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your=
meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished...

Well, I decided not to worry anymore.

Obviously, waiting for the government to give me a handout in a disaster ju=
st wasn't an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy hi=
gh cost of survival food sold by most stores.

That's why I ordered and got my very own stockpile of the best-selling 4Pat=
riots Survival Food Kits <[link removed]
131T> .

Currently 4Patriots survival food kits are flying off the shelves because:

* 4Patriots Survival Food Kits are a tremendous value. This is not ordi=
nary food. This is delicious, nutritious, good-for-25-years super survival =
food that protects you from going hungry in a crisis. This is high quality =
survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "frankenfood" that the ot=
her guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made right in the U.S.A.=
and you won't believe how inexpensive these kits are - just a fraction of =
what some other brands charge.

* There's no fancy packaging, it's military-grade sturdy stuff and can =
stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis. This food has a shelf=
life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long te=
rm. And they're using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere =
in your house without any extra hassle. They're sturdy, water-resistant and=
stack easily. And extremely covert too.

* You can make these meals in less than 20 minutes. Just add boiling wa=
ter, simmer, and serve. I tried 'em and I think they taste as good or bette=
r than any other survival food I've ever had. And you get a whole slew of c=
hoices for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don't get stuck eating the sa=
me thing day-in and day-out.

Last Time, Their Best-Selling 3-Month Kits Sold Out Completely In Just 4 Da=
ys... Today They Have Them Back In Stock!

[Danielle] <[link removed]

Since they finally have these best-selling kits back in stock...

They're going to load you up with FREE GIFTS <[link removed]
-1657-20211228-s043c131T> when you get yours today. Just look at all you ge=
t with this special:

It starts with great savings on the 3-Month Kit. It retails for over $800, =
but during this special the standard retail pricing goes out the window.

So you spare a ton and they're just getting warmed up, because...

You also get $478 worth of FREE Gifts! <[link removed]

FREE Bonus #1: because they are so popular and they are a true foundation f=
or your preparedness plan, they're going to give you 2 of their popular 72-=
hour Survival Food Kits when you get your 3-Month Kit today.

That's extra meals (on the house), grab-and-go portability and a way to get=
through any short-term crisis without even breaking into your stash. Peopl=
e love these kits. It's one of their top-rated items on our website.

So you'll get those 2 complimentary 72-hour Survival Food Kits AND...

(Hold on to your hat, folks)

FREE Bonus #2: They're also going to give you their Victory Garden Seed Col=
lection. Each Victory Garden Seed Collection contains survival seeds from 8=
varieties of garden favorites. You'll harvest them again and again, season=
after season. And stored cold, they'll be good for years.

FREE Bonus #3: You also get their Sun Kettle Personal Water Heater. With yo=
ur Sun Kettle Personal Water Heater, you can boil water without fuel, flame=
s, smoke or noise. Use your Sun Kettle to purify water, cook food, wash up,=
clean up and much more. It's like having a mini-microwave the size of a th=

FREE Bonus #4: They're also going to give you their Exclusive Ultimate Surv=
ival Digital Library. With these 4 digital books you'll have the informatio=
n and tips to help you prepare for an emergency. Together, these books are =
valued at $80 but they're yours free as a thank you for your purchase.

But that's not all because you also get...

FREE Bonus #5: You also get their Digital Meal Planning & Recipe Guide. Ins=
ide, you'll find easy ways to whip up delicious meals you'd be proud to ser=
ve your kids. Normally valued at $19.95, you'll get this brand NEW report f=
or FREE.

FREE Bonus #6: You also get Freedom Joe's Survival Coffee. Rich, aromatic c=
offee designed to last 25 years. Coffee is one of the most in-demand items =
when the "you-know-what" hits the fan. Stay alert when the going gets tough=
with a cup of premium survival coffee from 100% pure arabica beans. You ge=
t 30 servings of delicious, aromatic survival coffee added to your Kit.

FREE Bonus #7: You also get Bugle Boy Survival Cocoa. Warm up with each cup=
of chocolatey goodness that is sure to satisfy the young and the young at =
heart. With your Survival Cocoa Kits, you'll have the satisfying comfort of=
a steaming cup of cocoa when you and your loved ones need it most. You'll =
get 14 servings of this taste-tested hot cocoa FREE for arming yourself wit=
h survival food.

But we're still not done because you also get...

FREE Bonus #8: You also get $25 OFF Your Next Purchase. This is FREE money =
in the bank for you. You get $25 off any future purchase of $100 or more. U=
se it to get our best-selling survival food, solar gadgets and so much more=
! Get whatever you need to round out your preparedness plan. It's completel=
y up to you. That's what we call an incredible deal.

But we want to sweeten the pot more. So when you order your 3-Month Surviva=
l Food Kit today, you also get...

FREE Bonus #9: You get FREE Shipping and Handling. Last but not least, you'=
ll get FREE shipping on your 3-Month Survival Food Kit and all of your bonu=
s items today. It's not cheap to ship 688 servings of food in two totes (pl=
us all the FREE gifts you're getting). But you deserve it for becoming a lo=
yal customer. And frankly, we want to do it for you.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]

Isn't that great?

The best part is...

The peace of mind that comes from having a survival food stockpile shouldn'=
t exclusively be for well-off Americans. So you're getting huge savings tod=
ay. <[link removed]

You'll even get an easy, no nonsense monthly payment plan. Just the best-ta=
sting, made-in-America survival food protection without the sticker shock.

Look, this food tastes homemade. It's built to last the long haul. It's a s=
nap to prepare. And everyone from former Navy SEALs to middle-American gran=
dmas are singing its praises. <[link removed]

First, you get their no-questions-asked 365-Day Double Satisfaction Protect=
ion. That way there's no risk for you. And you can even keep the compliment=
ary gifts for giving your survival food a try.

Second, if you open your 4Patriots meals anytime in the next 25 years and f=
ind your food has spoiled or gone bad, you can return the entire stockpile =
and they will still return triple your purchase amount.

That's how confident they are that this food will stay delicious and nutrit=
ious for the next 25 years.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]

You need to get 'er done today.


Because if you don't take action <[link removed]
28-s043c131T> to get your food stockpile today, you'll be in the same boat =
as the brainwashed masses who think "everything is fine." And if a crisis h=
its and your family asks, "What are we going to eat?" your mouth will go dr=
y and you'll feel powerless.

But what if you decide to secure your food stockpile instead? Just imagine =
how much better you'll feel right away <[link removed]
20211228-s043c131T> . When a crisis hits, you will be able to calmly reassu=
re them that they're safe and they will have plenty to eat.

Listen, I can't predict the future. I don't know exactly when or how a cris=
is will hit.

As it stands today, it's every man for himself. In a crisis, the loss will =
be beyond what you can imagine. That's why I want you to have the same peac=
e of mind that I do.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

Rory H.

I was surprised to find that the densely packed packages were easy to prepa=
re and were tasty as well. I definitely recommend having survival food on h=
and for the times when 'life' happens while we are planning other things.

Billy H.

Received my food kit in the mail and I was able to make the potato soup on =
my cookstove. Just needed boiling water. Gave it a good stir and let it sim=
mered. When I opened up the pot, it smelled so good. You can see the chunks=
of potatoes and carrots in each bite you take. It=E2=80=99s a good soup.

Kevin S.

72 hour kit is a perfect starter kit for any scenario. Put one in your car,=
work bag, in your house or RV. If you want to start preparing safe food, t=
his is where to start.

Carol B.

Hey Frank, I have been iced in this weekend. I thought I would try my potat=
o soup. To my utter delight ..... IT WAS DELICIOUS... Thank you for such a =
wonderful product and the peace of mind it brings.

Ken K.

I am not a full blown survivalist. I am not an idiot, either. I have been t=
hrough enough in my life and have seen friends who have been through an eme=
rgency situation. Sure, sometimes it is for a few days and I pray that it i=
s not longer than that for you or me or anyone we know. Save up if you have=
to, but get at least a month's supply. It tastes good although if it is th=
at dire of an emergency, you will be happy to eat anything. IF you have som=
ething to eat for your family. Get some water, too, and something to heat i=
t with. We made some of this product and had family and friends over for th=
em to taste and they all agreed they didn't think anything would be this go=
od and they will be ordering. Just do something. You can't miss out on this=

Justin A.

My wife and I tried the food and we were both surprised about how good it t=
asted and how satisfied it made us feel afterwards. It feels good knowing t=
hat I can provide for my family if a crisis arose and I intend to get more =
in the future. Also the shipping and customer service has been top notch. T=
his probably the cheapest survival food I have found and the company is gre=

Gary M.

I actually had lost my job and was homeless for a while. I dug into my food=
supply, and I cannot fully describe how delicious and easy to prepare ever=
ything is. I felt like I was eating like a king. I am going to stock up aga=
in as soon as I settle into my new job. Everyone should participate with th=
is company. You will not be disappointed.

John H.

We're in Florida and have made many preparations for the aftermath of a pos=
sible hurricane. While we are thankful that Florida has not been hit in sev=
eral years, it gives us great peace of mind to know we have our Food4Patrio=
ts kit stashed away, knowing it's not a case of "if" but "when."

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]

PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178

If you no longer wish to receive sponsored promotional emails from us click=
here to unsubscribe. [link removed]
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lease see a special message from our sponsor 4Patriots.</p></div></td></tr>=
</tbody></table><table cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" align=3D"center"=
class=3D"body" style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;mso-table-lspace:0;mso-ta=
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padding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;max-width=
;width:100%"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;font-family:a=
tly;padding:0 25px 25px 25px"><h1 style=3D"font-family:arial;font-size:40px=
;color:#a00;text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)">=
Outrage Over Survival Food</h1><p style=3D"margin-bottom:.9em;text-align:ce=
nter"><img src=3D"[link removed]
ves-550x150.jpg" width=3D"525" alt=3D"Grocery Store Shelves" style=3D"-ms-i=
dth:100%"></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">According to leading industr=
y sources, grocery stores across the United States are worried about food s=
hortages.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Experts say more grocery hoar=
ding may come as disruptions push America's food supply "near its breaking =
point".</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><strong>As a result of this cri=
sis, survival food is more important than ever.</strong></p><p style=3D"mar=
gin-bottom:1.1em">If you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong fo=
ods, you could be setting your family up to be hungry in a time of crisis.<=
/p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">It sounds harsh, but the truth is too m=
any people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their sur=
vival food.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Mistakes like...</p><ul><li=
style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life =E2=80=
=93 depending on where you purchase them from they could be near expired...=
</li><li style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Getting gross survival foods that ar=
e tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clo=
g your arteries and get yourself sick...</li><li style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1=
em">Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your m=
eal plan, which means your family can become malnourished...</li></ul><p st=
yle=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Well, I decided not to worry anymore.</p><p sty=
le=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Obviously, waiting for the government to give me=
a handout in a disaster just wasn't an option for me. And I was completely=
turned off by the crazy high cost of survival food sold by most stores.</p=
><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">That's why I ordered and got my very own =
stockpile of the best-selling <a href=3D"[link removed]
BCXlu9GOvLbzl05DlOBBA"><strong>4Patriots Survival Food Kits</strong></a>.</=
p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Currently 4Patriots survival food kits a=
re flying off the shelves because:</p><ul><li style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"=
><strong>4Patriots Survival Food Kits are a tremendous value.</strong> This=
is <u>not</u> ordinary food. This is delicious, nutritious, good-for-25-ye=
ars super survival food that protects you from going hungry in a crisis. Th=
is is high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "frank=
enfood" that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made =
right in the U.S.A. and you won't believe how inexpensive these kits are - =
just a <strong>fraction of what some other brands charge</strong>.</li><li =
style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">There's no fancy packaging, it's military-gra=
de sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisi=
s. This food has a <strong>shelf life of up to 25 years</strong>, so you ha=
ve complete peace of mind for the long term. And they're using the most com=
pact kits so you can store them anywhere in your house without any extra ha=
ssle. They're sturdy, water-resistant and stack easily. And extremely cover=
t too.</li><li style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">You can make these meals in le=
ss than 20 minutes. Just add boiling water, simmer, and serve. I tried 'em =
and I think they <strong>taste as good or better than any other survival fo=
od I've ever had</strong>. And you get a whole slew of choices for breakfas=
t, lunch and dinner so you don't get stuck eating the same thing day-in and=
day-out.</li></ul><h1 style=3D"font-family:arial;font-size:27px;color:#a00=
;text-align:center;margin-bottom:30px" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)">Last Time, =
Their Best-Selling 3-Month Kits <u>Sold Out</u> Completely In Just 4 Days..=
. Today They Have Them Back In Stock!</h1><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em;t=
ext-align:center"><a href=3D"[link removed]
KUMmW0F4A"><img src=3D"[link removed]
le.jpg" width=3D"550" alt=3D"Danielle" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bicu=
</a></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><strong>Since they finally have th=
ese best-selling kits back in stock...</strong></p><p style=3D"margin-botto=
m:1.1em">They're going to load you up with <a href=3D"[link removed]
M2MxMzFUIn0/a2Dyx81DgCRC4kQu4jzZwA"><strong>FREE GIFTS</strong></a> when yo=
u get yours today. Just look at all you get with this special:</p><p style=
=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><strong>It starts with great savings on the 3-Mont=
h Kit.</strong> It retails for over $800, but during this special the stand=
ard retail pricing goes out the window.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"=
>So you spare a <strong><u>ton</u></strong> and they're just getting warmed=
up, because...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em;font-size:45px;text-alig=
n:center"><a href=3D"[link removed]
A"><strong>You also get $478 worth of FREE Gifts!</strong></a></p><p style=
=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)=
"><strong>FREE Bonus #1:</strong></span> because they are so popular and th=
ey are a true foundation for your preparedness plan, they're going to give =
you <u><strong>2</strong></u> of their popular 72-hour Survival Food Kits w=
hen you get your 3-Month Kit today.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Tha=
t's extra meals (on the house), grab-and-go portability and a way to get th=
rough any short-term crisis without even breaking into your stash. <strong>=
People love these kits.</strong> It's one of their top-rated items on our w=
ebsite.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">So you'll get those 2 complimen=
tary 72-hour Survival Food Kits AND...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">=
<em>(Hold on to your hat, folks)</em></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><=
span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #2:</=
strong></span> They're also going to give you their <strong>Victory Garden =
Seed Collection.</strong> Each Victory Garden Seed Collection contains surv=
ival seeds from 8 varieties of garden favorites. You'll harvest them again =
and again, season after season. And stored cold, they'll be good for years.=
</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rg=
b(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #3:</strong></span> You also get their <st=
rong>Sun Kettle Personal Water Heater.</strong> With your Sun Kettle Person=
al Water Heater, you can boil water without fuel, flames, smoke or noise. U=
se your Sun Kettle to purify water, cook food, wash up, clean up and much m=
ore. It's like having a mini-microwave the size of a thermos.</p><p style=
=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)=
"><strong>FREE Bonus #4:</strong></span> They're also going to give you the=
ir <strong>Exclusive Ultimate Survival Digital Library.</strong> With these=
4 digital books you'll have the information and tips to help you prepare f=
or an emergency. Together, these books are valued at $80 but they're yours =
free as a thank you for your purchase.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">=
But that's not all because you also get...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1=
em"><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus =
#5:</strong></span> You also get their <strong>Digital Meal Planning & Reci=
pe Guide</strong>. Inside, you'll find easy ways to whip up delicious meals=
you'd be proud to serve your kids. Normally valued at $19.95, you'll get t=
his brand NEW report for FREE.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span st=
yle=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #6:</strong>=
</span> You also get <strong>Freedom Joe's Survival Coffee.</strong> Rich, =
aromatic coffee designed to last 25 years. Coffee is one of the most in-dem=
and items when the "you-know-what" hits the fan. Stay alert when the going =
gets tough with a cup of premium survival coffee from 100% pure arabica bea=
ns. You get 30 servings of delicious, aromatic survival coffee added to you=
r Kit.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=
=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #7:</strong></span> You also get <st=
rong>Bugle Boy Survival Cocoa.</strong> Warm up with each cup of chocolatey=
goodness that is sure to satisfy the young and the young at heart. With yo=
ur Survival Cocoa Kits, you'll have the satisfying comfort of a steaming cu=
p of cocoa when you and your loved ones need it most. You'll get 14 serving=
s of this taste-tested hot cocoa FREE for arming yourself with survival foo=
d.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">But we're still not done because you=
also get...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#a00"=
color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #8:</strong></span> You also g=
et <strong>$25 OFF Your Next Purchase.</strong> This is FREE money in the b=
ank for you. You get $25 off any future purchase of $100 or more. Use it to=
get our best-selling survival food, solar gadgets and so much more! Get wh=
atever you need to round out your preparedness plan. It's completely up to =
you. That's what we call an incredible deal.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1=
.1em">But we want to sweeten the pot more. So when you order your 3-Month S=
urvival Food Kit today, you also get...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"=
><span style=3D"color:#a00" color=3D"rgb(170, 0, 0)"><strong>FREE Bonus #9:=
</strong></span> You get <strong>FREE Shipping and Handling.</strong> Last =
but not least, you'll get FREE shipping on your 3-Month Survival Food Kit a=
nd all of your bonus items today. It's not cheap to ship 688 servings of fo=
od in two totes (plus all the FREE gifts you're getting). But you deserve i=
t for becoming a loyal customer. And frankly, we want to do it for you.</p>=
<p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em;font-size:35px;text-align:center"><strong><=
a href=3D"[link removed]
249RjRQLTE2NTctMjAyMTEyMjgtczA0M2MxMzFUIn0/QrHdXO8gD12T2Wpjn41M2A">Grab You=
r Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone</a></strong></p><p s=
tyle=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Isn't that great?</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom=
:1.1em">The best part is...</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">The peace o=
f mind that comes from having a survival food stockpile shouldn't exclusive=
ly be for well-off Americans. <a href=3D"[link removed]
szg3GgqYF0cC7Df_Uv5qQ"><strong>So you're getting huge savings today.</stron=
g></a></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><strong>You'll even get an easy,=
no nonsense monthly payment plan.</strong> Just the best-tasting, made-in-=
America survival food protection without the sticker shock.</p><p style=3D"=
margin-bottom:1.1em"><strong>Look, this food tastes homemade.</strong> It's=
built to last the long haul. It's a snap to prepare. And everyone from for=
mer Navy SEALs to middle-American grandmas are singing its praises.</p><p s=
tyle=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em;text-align:center"><a href=3D"[link removed]
czA0M2MxMzFUIn0/qydT9TqirM79WDyxO42DIg"><img src=3D"[link removed]" width=3D"550" style=3D"-ms-in=
ion:none;width:100%"></a></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">First, you ge=
t their <strong>no-questions-asked 365-Day Double Satisfaction Protection</=
strong>. That way there's no risk for you. And you can even keep the compli=
mentary gifts for giving your survival food a try.</p><p style=3D"margin-bo=
ttom:1.1em">Second, if you open your 4Patriots meals anytime in the next 25=
years and find your food has spoiled or gone bad, you can return the entir=
e stockpile and they will still <strong>return triple your purchase amount.=
</strong></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">That's how confident they are=
that this food will stay delicious and nutritious for the next 25 years.</=
p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em;font-size:35px;text-align:center"><strong=
><a href=3D"[link removed]
pZ249RjRQLTE2NTctMjAyMTEyMjgtczA0M2MxMzFUIn0/_mhMLrEBptE255Lfk9DbvQ">Grab Y=
our Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone</a></strong></p><p=
style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">You need to get 'er done today.</p><p style=
=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Why?</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Because i=
f you don't <a href=3D"[link removed]
xSQ">take action</a> to get your food stockpile today, you'll be in the sam=
e boat as the brainwashed masses who think "everything is fine." And if a c=
risis hits and your family asks, "What are we going to eat?" your mouth wil=
l go dry and you'll feel powerless.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">But=
what if you decide to secure your food stockpile instead? Just <a href=3D"=
[link removed]
2NTctMjAyMTEyMjgtczA0M2MxMzFUIn0/CNtGCBt0hkFdq3yLgxxi8g">imagine how much b=
etter you'll feel right away</a>. When a crisis hits, you will be able to c=
almly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty to eat.</p>=
<p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Listen, I can't predict the future. I don'=
t know exactly when or how a crisis will hit.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:=
1.1em"><strong>As it stands today, it's every man for himself.</strong> In =
a crisis, the loss will be beyond what you can imagine. That's why I want y=
ou to have the same peace of mind that I do.</p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1=
.1em;font-size:35px;text-align:center"><strong><a href=3D"[link removed]
LXMwNDNjMTMxVCJ9/6OnWu0huXjeajrtJtegJmw">Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts T=
oday Before They're All Gone</a></strong></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1e=
m">To your survival,<br><br>Frank Bates<br>Patriot Headquarters</p><table s=
tyle=3D"border-collapse:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-width:550=
th:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody><tr><td s=
tyle=3D"border-collapse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:left;verti=
cal-align:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]
estimonials/tm-f4p-003.jpg" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bi=
cubic;max-width:100%;outline:0;text-decoration:none"></td><td style=3D"bord=
er-collapse:collapse;font-family:arial;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0 5px 10=
px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"margin-botto=
m:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><strong>Ro=
ry H.</strong></span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">I was surprised t=
o find that the densely packed packages were easy to prepare and were tasty=
as well. I definitely recommend having survival food on hand for the times=
when 'life' happens while we are planning other things.</p></td></tr></tbo=
dy></table><table style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e=
herit!important;width:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"55=
0"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;te=
xt-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-in=
d><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;font-family:arial;font-size:18px;pa=
dding:10px 0 5px 10px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:500px"><p st=
yle=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 9=
3, 158)"><strong>Billy H.</strong></span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1e=
m">Received my food kit in the mail and I was able to make the potato soup =
on my cookstove. Just needed boiling water. Gave it a good stir and let it =
simmered. When I opened up the pot, it smelled so good. You can see the chu=
nks of potatoes and carrots in each bite you take. It=E2=80=99s a good soup=
.</p></td></tr></tbody></table><table style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;bor=
der-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-width:550px;mso-table-lspace:0;mso-table-rspa=
ce:0;table-layout:inherit!important;width:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspaci=
ng=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;pad=
ding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:60px"><img src=
=3D"[link removed]" width=
=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;max-width:100%;outline:0;te=
xt-decoration:none"></td><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;font-family:=
arial;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0 5px 10px;text-align:left;vertical-align=
:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#00=
5d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><strong>Kevin S.</strong></span></p><p styl=
e=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">72 hour kit is a perfect starter kit for any scen=
ario. Put one in your car, work bag, in your house or RV. If you want to st=
art preparing safe food, this is where to start.</p></td></tr></tbody></tab=
le><table style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;ma=
portant;width:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbod=
y><tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align=
:left;vertical-align:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpola=
tion-mode:bicubic;max-width:100%;outline:0;text-decoration:none"></td><td s=
0px 0 5px 10px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"=
margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)=
"><strong>Carol B.</strong></span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">Hey =
Frank, I have been iced in this weekend. I thought I would try my potato so=
up. To my utter delight ..... IT WAS DELICIOUS... Thank you for such a wond=
erful product and the peace of mind it brings.</p></td></tr></tbody></table=
><table style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-=
rtant;width:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody>=
<tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:l=
eft;vertical-align:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpolatio=
n-mode:bicubic;max-width:100%;outline:0;text-decoration:none"></td><td styl=
0 5px 10px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"mar=
gin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><=
strong>Ken K.</strong></span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">I am not =
a full blown survivalist. I am not an idiot, either. I have been through en=
ough in my life and have seen friends who have been through an emergency si=
tuation. Sure, sometimes it is for a few days and I pray that it is not lon=
ger than that for you or me or anyone we know. Save up if you have to, but =
get at least a month's supply. It tastes good although if it is that dire o=
f an emergency, you will be happy to eat anything. IF you have something to=
eat for your family. Get some water, too, and something to heat it with. W=
e made some of this product and had family and friends over for them to tas=
te and they all agreed they didn't think anything would be this good and th=
ey will be ordering. Just do something. You can't miss out on this deal.</p=
></td></tr></tbody></table><table style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;border-=
top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-width:550px;mso-table-lspace:0;mso-table-rspace:0=
;table-layout:inherit!important;width:100%" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=
=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;paddi=
ng:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"=
[link removed]" width=3D"=
56" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;max-width:100%;outline:0;text-d=
ecoration:none"></td><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;font-family:aria=
l;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0 5px 10px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top=
;width:500px"><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=3D"color:#005d9e=
" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><strong>Justin A.</strong></span></p><p style=
=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">My wife and I tried the food and we were both surp=
rised about how good it tasted and how satisfied it made us feel afterwards=
. It feels good knowing that I can provide for my family if a crisis arose =
and I intend to get more in the future. Also the shipping and customer serv=
ice has been top notch. This probably the cheapest survival food I have fou=
nd and the company is great.</p></td></tr></tbody></table><table style=3D"b=
order-collapse:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-width:550px;mso-ta=
ble-lspace:0;mso-table-rspace:0;table-layout:inherit!important;width:100%" =
cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"b=
order-collapse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:left;vertical-align=
:top;width:60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]
ls/tm-f4p-010.jpg" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;max=
-width:100%;outline:0;text-decoration:none"></td><td style=3D"border-collap=
se:collapse;font-family:arial;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0 5px 10px;text-a=
lign:left;vertical-align:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">=
<span style=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><strong>Gary M.</st=
rong></span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">I actually had lost my job=
and was homeless for a while. I dug into my food supply, and I cannot full=
y describe how delicious and easy to prepare everything is. I felt like I w=
as eating like a king. I am going to stock up again as soon as I settle int=
o my new job. Everyone should participate with this company. You will not b=
e disappointed.</p></td></tr></tbody></table><table style=3D"border-collaps=
e:collapse;border-top:solid 1px #e6e6e6;max-width:550px;mso-table-lspace:0;=
mso-table-rspace:0;table-layout:inherit!important;width:100%" cellpadding=
=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"550"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"border-colla=
pse:collapse;padding:10px 0 0 4px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:=
60px"><img src=3D"[link removed]
04.jpg" width=3D"56" style=3D"-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;max-width:100%=
;outline:0;text-decoration:none"></td><td style=3D"border-collapse:collapse=
;font-family:arial;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0 5px 10px;text-align:left;v=
ertical-align:top;width:500px"><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em"><span style=
=3D"color:#005d9e" color=3D"rgb(0, 93, 158)"><strong>John H.</strong></span=
></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1.1em">We're in Florida and have made many p=
reparations for the aftermath of a possible hurricane. While we are thankfu=
l that Florida has not been hit in several years, it gives us great peace o=
f mind to know we have our Food4Patriots kit stashed away, knowing it's not=
a case of "if" but "when."</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p style=3D"margin=
-bottom:1.1em;font-size:35px;text-align:center"><strong><a href=3D"[link removed]
wMjExMjI4LXMwNDNjMTMxVCJ9/QgvOhGEslIqIHNzOFBBQ3g">Grab Your Kit And All You=
r Gifts Today Before They're All Gone</a></strong></p></td></tr></tbody></t=
able></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" a=
lign=3D"center" class=3D"footer" style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;mso-tabl=
e-lspace:0;mso-table-rspace:0;table-layout:inherit!important"><tbody style=
=3D"font-size:12px!important"><tr style=3D"font-size:12px!important"><td cl=
ass=3D"text-secondary" align=3D"center" style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;c=
olor:#6c757d!important;font-size:12px!important"><div style=3D"font-size:12=
px!important"><p style=3D"font-size:12px!important">PO Box 455, Leesburg, V=
A 20178</p></div><p style=3D"font-size:12px!important">If you no longer wis=
h to receive sponsored promotional emails from us <a href=3D"[link removed]
" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener" style=3D"font-size:12px!important"><i =
style=3D"font-size:12px!important">click here</i></a> to unsubscribe.</p></=
td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><!--[if mso]></td></tr></=
table><![endif]--></td></tr></tbody></table><img src=3D"[link removed]
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t=3D"1" /></body></html>


[Secure & Prosper]

Please see a special message from our sponsor 4Patriots.

Outrage Over Survival Food

[Grocery Store Shelves]

According to leading industry sources, grocery stores across the United States are worried about food shortages.

Experts say more grocery hoarding may come as disruptions push America's food supply "near its breaking point".

As a result of this crisis, survival food is more important than ever.

If you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to be hungry in a time of crisis.

It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their survival food.

Mistakes like...

* Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life – depending on where you purchase them from they could be near expired...

* Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself sick...

* Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished...

Well, I decided not to worry anymore.

Obviously, waiting for the government to give me a handout in a disaster just wasn't an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy high cost of survival food sold by most stores.

That's why I ordered and got my very own stockpile of the best-selling 4Patriots Survival Food Kits <[link removed]> .

Currently 4Patriots survival food kits are flying off the shelves because:

* 4Patriots Survival Food Kits are a tremendous value. This is not ordinary food. This is delicious, nutritious, good-for-25-years super survival food that protects you from going hungry in a crisis. This is high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "frankenfood" that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made right in the U.S.A. and you won't believe how inexpensive these kits are - just a fraction of what some other brands charge.

* There's no fancy packaging, it's military-grade sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis. This food has a shelf life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long term. And they're using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere in your house without any extra hassle. They're sturdy, water-resistant and stack easily. And extremely covert too.

* You can make these meals in less than 20 minutes. Just add boiling water, simmer, and serve. I tried 'em and I think they taste as good or better than any other survival food I've ever had. And you get a whole slew of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don't get stuck eating the same thing day-in and day-out.

Last Time, Their Best-Selling 3-Month Kits Sold Out Completely In Just 4 Days... Today They Have Them Back In Stock!

[Danielle] <[link removed]>

Since they finally have these best-selling kits back in stock...

They're going to load you up with FREE GIFTS <[link removed]> when you get yours today. Just look at all you get with this special:

It starts with great savings on the 3-Month Kit. It retails for over $800, but during this special the standard retail pricing goes out the window.

So you spare a ton and they're just getting warmed up, because...

You also get $478 worth of FREE Gifts! <[link removed]>

FREE Bonus #1: because they are so popular and they are a true foundation for your preparedness plan, they're going to give you 2 of their popular 72-hour Survival Food Kits when you get your 3-Month Kit today.

That's extra meals (on the house), grab-and-go portability and a way to get through any short-term crisis without even breaking into your stash. People love these kits. It's one of their top-rated items on our website.

So you'll get those 2 complimentary 72-hour Survival Food Kits AND...

(Hold on to your hat, folks)

FREE Bonus #2: They're also going to give you their Victory Garden Seed Collection. Each Victory Garden Seed Collection contains survival seeds from 8 varieties of garden favorites. You'll harvest them again and again, season after season. And stored cold, they'll be good for years.

FREE Bonus #3: You also get their Sun Kettle Personal Water Heater. With your Sun Kettle Personal Water Heater, you can boil water without fuel, flames, smoke or noise. Use your Sun Kettle to purify water, cook food, wash up, clean up and much more. It's like having a mini-microwave the size of a thermos.

FREE Bonus #4: They're also going to give you their Exclusive Ultimate Survival Digital Library. With these 4 digital books you'll have the information and tips to help you prepare for an emergency. Together, these books are valued at $80 but they're yours free as a thank you for your purchase.

But that's not all because you also get...

FREE Bonus #5: You also get their Digital Meal Planning & Recipe Guide. Inside, you'll find easy ways to whip up delicious meals you'd be proud to serve your kids. Normally valued at $19.95, you'll get this brand NEW report for FREE.

FREE Bonus #6: You also get Freedom Joe's Survival Coffee. Rich, aromatic coffee designed to last 25 years. Coffee is one of the most in-demand items when the "you-know-what" hits the fan. Stay alert when the going gets tough with a cup of premium survival coffee from 100% pure arabica beans. You get 30 servings of delicious, aromatic survival coffee added to your Kit.

FREE Bonus #7: You also get Bugle Boy Survival Cocoa. Warm up with each cup of chocolatey goodness that is sure to satisfy the young and the young at heart. With your Survival Cocoa Kits, you'll have the satisfying comfort of a steaming cup of cocoa when you and your loved ones need it most. You'll get 14 servings of this taste-tested hot cocoa FREE for arming yourself with survival food.

But we're still not done because you also get...

FREE Bonus #8: You also get $25 OFF Your Next Purchase. This is FREE money in the bank for you. You get $25 off any future purchase of $100 or more. Use it to get our best-selling survival food, solar gadgets and so much more! Get whatever you need to round out your preparedness plan. It's completely up to you. That's what we call an incredible deal.

But we want to sweeten the pot more. So when you order your 3-Month Survival Food Kit today, you also get...

FREE Bonus #9: You get FREE Shipping and Handling. Last but not least, you'll get FREE shipping on your 3-Month Survival Food Kit and all of your bonus items today. It's not cheap to ship 688 servings of food in two totes (plus all the FREE gifts you're getting). But you deserve it for becoming a loyal customer. And frankly, we want to do it for you.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]>

Isn't that great?

The best part is...

The peace of mind that comes from having a survival food stockpile shouldn't exclusively be for well-off Americans. So you're getting huge savings today. <[link removed]>

You'll even get an easy, no nonsense monthly payment plan. Just the best-tasting, made-in-America survival food protection without the sticker shock.

Look, this food tastes homemade. It's built to last the long haul. It's a snap to prepare. And everyone from former Navy SEALs to middle-American grandmas are singing its praises. <[link removed]>

First, you get their no-questions-asked 365-Day Double Satisfaction Protection. That way there's no risk for you. And you can even keep the complimentary gifts for giving your survival food a try.

Second, if you open your 4Patriots meals anytime in the next 25 years and find your food has spoiled or gone bad, you can return the entire stockpile and they will still return triple your purchase amount.

That's how confident they are that this food will stay delicious and nutritious for the next 25 years.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]>

You need to get 'er done today.


Because if you don't take action <[link removed]> to get your food stockpile today, you'll be in the same boat as the brainwashed masses who think "everything is fine." And if a crisis hits and your family asks, "What are we going to eat?" your mouth will go dry and you'll feel powerless.

But what if you decide to secure your food stockpile instead? Just imagine how much better you'll feel right away <[link removed]> . When a crisis hits, you will be able to calmly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty to eat.

Listen, I can't predict the future. I don't know exactly when or how a crisis will hit.

As it stands today, it's every man for himself. In a crisis, the loss will be beyond what you can imagine. That's why I want you to have the same peace of mind that I do.

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]>

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

Rory H.

I was surprised to find that the densely packed packages were easy to prepare and were tasty as well. I definitely recommend having survival food on hand for the times when 'life' happens while we are planning other things.

Billy H.

Received my food kit in the mail and I was able to make the potato soup on my cookstove. Just needed boiling water. Gave it a good stir and let it simmered. When I opened up the pot, it smelled so good. You can see the chunks of potatoes and carrots in each bite you take. It’s a good soup.

Kevin S.

72 hour kit is a perfect starter kit for any scenario. Put one in your car, work bag, in your house or RV. If you want to start preparing safe food, this is where to start.

Carol B.

Hey Frank, I have been iced in this weekend. I thought I would try my potato soup. To my utter delight ..... IT WAS DELICIOUS... Thank you for such a wonderful product and the peace of mind it brings.

Ken K.

I am not a full blown survivalist. I am not an idiot, either. I have been through enough in my life and have seen friends who have been through an emergency situation. Sure, sometimes it is for a few days and I pray that it is not longer than that for you or me or anyone we know. Save up if you have to, but get at least a month's supply. It tastes good although if it is that dire of an emergency, you will be happy to eat anything. IF you have something to eat for your family. Get some water, too, and something to heat it with. We made some of this product and had family and friends over for them to taste and they all agreed they didn't think anything would be this good and they will be ordering. Just do something. You can't miss out on this deal.

Justin A.

My wife and I tried the food and we were both surprised about how good it tasted and how satisfied it made us feel afterwards. It feels good knowing that I can provide for my family if a crisis arose and I intend to get more in the future. Also the shipping and customer service has been top notch. This probably the cheapest survival food I have found and the company is great.

Gary M.

I actually had lost my job and was homeless for a while. I dug into my food supply, and I cannot fully describe how delicious and easy to prepare everything is. I felt like I was eating like a king. I am going to stock up again as soon as I settle into my new job. Everyone should participate with this company. You will not be disappointed.

John H.

We're in Florida and have made many preparations for the aftermath of a possible hurricane. While we are thankful that Florida has not been hit in several years, it gives us great peace of mind to know we have our Food4Patriots kit stashed away, knowing it's not a case of "if" but "when."

Grab Your Kit And All Your Gifts Today Before They're All Gone <[link removed]>

PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178

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