Hi folks,

Asking for money is one of my least favorite parts of this job — just ask my team!

But like with farming, you reap what you sow. So as we build towards winning tough races in 2022 and beyond, it is important we hit our end-of-year fundraising goal — and that is where I need your help.

You see, folks, delivering for working families and defending our Democratic senate majority takes a lot of resources, and we’re up against the GOP fundraising machine and dark money interests.

2022 is going to be a doozy — there are countless Senate races that we need to support, and losing just a single seat means that Mitch McConnell will take back control of the chamber and try to roll back all the progress we have made.

So as much as I hate asking for money, I would really appreciate your help. I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.

So can you pitch in any amount — whether it’s $1, $10, or $25 — to help us make up ground and reach our end-of-year fundraising goal? The stakes in 2022 are enormous, and grassroots contributions from folks like you make all the difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for your help,
