From Jim Himes <[email protected]>
Subject John, CT Dems need your help before the new year
Date December 28, 2021 7:31 PM
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John, far-right Republicans mobilized across Connecticut this year targeting Democrats in races up and down the ballot, but the CT Democratic Party’s voter outreach work played a critical role in securing Democratic victories across our state.

In 2022, sustained voter outreach will be more important than ever, and the Connecticut Democratic Party needs your help building a robust voter outreach plan.

Can you chip in $10 before the year ends to help CT Dems get out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballot in the upcoming midterm elections? [[link removed]]

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After passing voter suppression laws in multiple states this year, Republicans are raising huge sums of money as they work to end our Democratic majority in Congress.

John, the Connecticut Democratic Party’s voter outreach and organizing work across our state is our first line of defense, and we need to ensure that they’re fully funded as we head into the new year.

Please chip in to support Connecticut Democrats before December 31st to help them reach their end-of-year fundraising goal. Any amount that you can give will help them defend our Democratic majorities in races up and down the ballot next year. [[link removed]]

Thanks for stepping up, and Happy Holidays!

— Congressman Jim Himes
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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