We have some bad news, friends. After the Governor emailed you this morning, we're still behind on our get-out-the-vote fundraising goal.
To catch up and reach our goal before midnight, we need another 82 people to pitch in. Can we count on you, friend, to be one of them? In a close election like this, we can't afford to fall short now.
We know you hear from us a lot, but that's because our election has gotten the attention of big special interests who want to notch a win in Louisiana. They think they can drown out our message by pouring in money and rallying national Republicans. We can stop them, friend, but not if we miss these vital fundraising goals.
With early voting underway, we need to hit our get-out-the-vote fundraising goal. Will you be one of the 82 donors to get us there?
Team JBE