we're sharing a sampling of the range of voices that have participated
in this show over the past year. This is the last episode of 2021, so
we're looking back on a year that was marked not so much by healing and
hope after the Trump years, but by the continued aggression and
achievements of an embittered fascist movement, with the lack of any
accountability for the damage they did while in the White House and what
they did to try to hold onto power.
These are ominous warnings from
people who know and understand the stakes for humanity. While we don't
have tidings of comfort and joy for you we do also have reason to hope
for something better, based on the decent people - the majority of
people - coming together with moral clarity and determination to
resolutely refuse fascism. There are insights here that will help
inspire the courage and confidence that we can do just that, and the
means to do so.
the difference it would make if millions of people – the only force
that can actually stop this fascist onslaught – were guided and inspired
by a love for all humanity to act with creativity, courage, and
determination to wrench the future away from these fascists. Imagine
what it will take to break through all the delusions, despair, and
confusion out there and turn the tide resolutely against the advancing
fascist threat.
Your donation will help up reach all those who
critically need this understanding and clarity of purpose. So join us
in taking a pledge to the people of the world to refuse to accept a
fascist America, give generously this giving season to this cause, to
this show.
So please
>> hit the donate button

2021: The Refuse Fascism Year in Review

Sam Goldman & Coco Das with
Andy Zee * Rosanna Arquette *Rev. William Lamar IV * Cornel West * Ruth Ben-Ghiat * Federico Finchelstein * Rosie O’Donnell * Jason Stanley * Anthea Butler * Sarah Posner
* Jared Yates Sexton * Bandy Lee * Paul Street * Dahlia Lithwick * Eric Boehlert * Walden Bello * Brynn Tannehill * Wajahat Ali * David Atkins * Tony Norman * Carol Anderson
>> Listen
>> Stay tuned for transcript
>> Your donation to REFUSE FASCISM will help reach millions who critically need this
understanding and clarity of purpose. Donations of $35 and more receive
the 2022 Refuse Fascism beanie.
One size fits all; 100% acrylic. Machine wash. ORDER $18.00
Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism
Cashapp: @RefuseFascism
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