I know you’ve seen the statistics… the extreme weather … the “code red” in the IPCC report.
Yes, this data points to the incredible severity of the climate crisis, and we must not lose sight of the stakes. But what’s often missing from this dialogue is the fact that we can still avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis, if only we act in lockstep as Ceres supporters, right now.
Your gift supports every facet of our shared mission, and right now, I’m thinking of Ceres Ambition 2030, a new initiative designed to meet the urgency of this moment—and scale our impact across 6 high-emitting sectors with designs to reach a zero-emission economy in this decade.
John, this is not a pipe dream; this future is within our grasp, if only we reach for it, together…. and that brings me back to why I’m writing to you today.
We must choose our future. Today. And with so much at stake for our climate, we’re counting on this match to do so.
Please act. Join me in supporting Ceres with a tax-deductible, MATCHED gift now →
I’m many things, but above all, I’m the grateful mother of three daughters who will inherit the world we leave them, just as will the children in your life.
Thank you for working toward a healthy planet.
— Silda
Silda Wall Spitzer
Ceres President's Council |