
This year started with a violent insurrection in our nation’s capital. It continued on with gun violence in communities across the Commonwealth.

But we rolled up our sleeves and got to work, securing $50 million in community violence prevention funds for Pennsylvania. 

When we speak out and take action, we always make an impact, because the work we are doing matters. Make a $15 donation right now to keep that momentum going.

President Biden introduced executive actions to address this crisis, including a proposed rule to ban ghost guns. Our grassroots movement drove in thousands of public comments in support of these executive actions. We held protests and actions all over the Commonwealth, sending a clear message to legislators that they need to address gun violence NOW. We're going to have to step things up even more in 2022 to fight back against opponents of gun violence prevention.

We beat back some really terrible bills this year, including one that would allow permitless concealed carry. This legislation would have greatly increased the occurrence of gun violence and would create a reality in which no one would ever know if they were in a space with a weapon that could be used in a moment of anger. We shut that down, because this grassroots movement is powerful.

These victories would not be possible without this community of volunteers and donors. You are the heart of this movement, and as we move forward into 2022, our goals are even more ambitious. Will you make a donation of $15 right now to secure that future?

We absolutely won’t accomplish this if we become complacent. 

Thank you for everything you do to support this movement.

Adam Garber
Executive Director


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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